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2022-03-24ESET ResearchLukáš Štefanko
Crypto malware in patched wallets targeting Android and iOS devices
2022-03-23ESET ResearchAlexandre Côté Cyr
Mustang Panda’s Hodur: Old tricks, new Korplug variant
Hodur PlugX
2022-03-21ESET ResearchRene Holt
Sandworm: A tale of disruption told anew
2022-03-15ESET ResearchESET Research
CaddyWiper: New wiper malware discovered in Ukraine
2022-03-14Twitter (@ESETresearch)ESET Research
Tweet on CaddyWiper as 3rd destructive wiper found deployed against Ukraine
CaddyWiper Sunglow Blizzard
2022-03-01ESET ResearchVladislav Hrčka
Under the hood of Wslink’s multilayered virtual machine
2022-03-01ESET ResearchESET Research
IsaacWiper and HermeticWizard: New wiper and worm targeting Ukraine
HermeticWiper IsaacWiper PartyTicket
2022-02-24ESET Researchwelivesecurity
HermeticWiper: New data‑wiping malware hits Ukraine
2022-02-09ESET ResearchESET Research
2022-01-25ESET ResearchAnton Cherepanov, Marc-Etienne M.Léveillé
Watering hole deploys new macOS malware, DazzleSpy, in Asia
2022-01-18ESET ResearchESET Research
ESET Research investigates Donot Team: Cyberespionage targeting military & governments in South Asia
2022-01-18ESET ResearchFacundo Muñoz, Matías Porolli
DoNot Go! Do not respawn!
2022-01-15Github (eset)ESET Research
Donot Team — Indicators of Compromise
2022-01-11ESET ResearchMichal Poslušný
Signed kernel drivers – Unguarded gateway to Windows’ core
InvisiMole LoJax RobinHood Slingshot
2021-12-15ESET ResearchESET Research
The dirty dozen of Latin America: From Amavaldo to Zumanek
Krachulka Lokorrito Zumanek
2021-12-01ESET ResearchAlexis Dorais-Joncas, Facundo Muñoz
Jumping the air gap: 15 years of nation‑state effort
Agent.BTZ Fanny Flame Gauss PlugX Ramsay Retro Stuxnet USBCulprit USBferry
2021-11-16ESET ResearchMatthieu Faou
Strategic web compromises in the Middle East with a pinch of Candiru
Caramel Tsunami Karkadann
2021-11-10Twitter (@ESETresearch)ESET Research
Tweet on a discovery of a trojanized IDA Pro installer, distributed by the LABYRINTH CHOLLIMA group.
2021-10-29Twitter (@ESETresearch)ESET Research
Tweet on FreeBSD and LInux version of Hive ransomware
2021-10-27ESET ResearchVladislav Hrčka
Wslink: Unique and undocumented malicious loader that runs as a server