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2020-10-07Department of JusticeDepartment of Justice
United States Seizes Domain Names Used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
2020-10-06Trend MicroFyodor Yarochkin, Robert McArdle, Vladimir Kropotov
The Hacker Infrastructure and Underground Hosting: Cybercrime Modi Operandi and OpSec
2020-10-06AviraAvira Protection Labs
TA505 targets the Americas in a new campaign
IXWare - Kids will be skids
2020-10-06CrowdStrikeThe Crowdstrike Intel Team
Double Trouble: Ransomware with Data Leak Extortion, Part 2
Maze MedusaLocker REvil VIKING SPIDER
2020-10-06Department of Homeland SecurityDepartment of Homeland Security
Homeland Threat Assessment October 2020
2020-10-06SentinelOneJim Walter
The FONIX RaaS | New Low-Key Threat with Unnecessary Complexities
2020-10-06Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Security Intelligence
Tweet on TA505 threat actor exploiting Zerologon (CVE-2020-1472) Vulnerability
2020-10-06BlackberryBlackberry Research
BAHAMUT: Hack-for-Hire Masters of Phishing, Fake News, and Fake Apps
Bahamut Bahamut
2020-10-06TelekomThomas Barabosch
Eager Beaver: A Short Overview of the Restless Threat Actor TA505
Clop Get2 SDBbot TA505
2020-10-06MalwarebytesHossein Jazi, Jérôme Segura
Release the Kraken: Fileless APT attack abuses Windows Error Reporting service
2020-10-06360 netlabJiaYu
HEH, a new IoT P2P Botnet going after weak telnet services
2020-10-06TalosPaul Rascagnères, Vitor Ventura, Warren Mercer
PoetRAT: Malware targeting public and private sector in Azerbaijan evolves
Poet RAT
2020-10-06Trend MicroCedric Pernet
French companies Under Attack from Clever BEC Scam
2020-10-05KasperskyIgor Kuznetsov, Mark Lechtik, Yury Parshin
MosaicRegressor: Lurking in the Shadows of UEFI
2020-10-05Zawadi DoneZawadi Done
DarkSide ransomware analysis
2020-10-05paloalto Networks Unit 42Nathaniel Quist
Black-T: New Cryptojacking Variant from TeamTnT
2020-10-05Kaspersky LabsIgor Kuznetsov, Mark Lechtik
MosaicRegressor: Lurking in the Shadows of UEFI (Technical Details)
2020-10-05Kaspersky LabsIgor Kuznetsov, Mark Lechtik
MosaicRegressor: Lurking in the Shadows of UEFI
2020-10-05JuniperPaul Kimayong
New pastebin-like service used in multiple malware campaigns
Agent Tesla LimeRAT RedLine Stealer

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