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2016-01-12FireEyeBarry Vengerik, John Miller
The Magnificent FIN7: Revealing a Cybercriminal Threat Group
2015-12-08The CitizenlabClaudio Guarnieri, John Scott-Railton, Marion Marschalek, Morgan Marquis-Boire
Packrat: Seven Years of a South American Threat Actor
AdWind Adzok CyberGate Xtreme RAT Packrat
2015-10-26SymantecA L Johnson
Duuzer back door Trojan targets South Korea to take over computers
Brambul Duuzer Joanap Lazarus Group
2015-08-27CitizenLabJohn Scott-Railton, Katie Kleemola
London Calling: Two-Factor Authentication Phishing From Iran
Rocket Kitten
2015-07-13SymantecA L Johnson
“Forkmeiamfamous”: Seaduke, latest weapon in the Duke armory
2014-04-18Trend MicroAlvin John Nieto
2013-02-19SymantecA L Johnson
APT1: Q&A on Attacks by the Comment Crew
2012-09-06BroadcomA L Johnson
The Elderwood Project
Beijing Group
2012-06-04John Leyden
Small banking Trojan poses major risk
2011-06-29SymantecJohn McDonald
Inside a Back Door Attack
Ghost RAT Dust Storm
2011-06-29SymantecJohn McDonald
Inside a Back Door Attack
Dust Storm
2009-12-22SymantecJohn McDonald, Masaki Suenaga, Takayoshi Nakayama
Qakbot, Data Thief Unmasked: Part II