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Malware development trick 44: Stealing data via legit GitHub API. Simple C example.
OceanLotus BitRAT RecordBreaker
Malware development trick 42: Stealing data via legit Discord Bot API. Simple C example.
Malware development trick 41: Stealing data via legit VirusTotal API. Simple C example.
Malware development trick 40: Stealing data via legit Telegram API. Simple C example.
2023-10-12YouTube (FIRST)Aditya K. Sood
"Compromising the Keys to the Kingdom" - Exfiltrating Data to Own and Operate the Exploited Systems
Loki RAT SystemBC
2023-09-12FIRSTCONAditya K. Sood
Compromising the Keys to the Kingdom: Exfiltrating Data to Own and Operate the Exploited Systems (Slides)
Loki RAT SystemBC
2022-03-25nccgroupYun Zheng Hu
Mining data from Cobalt Strike beacons
Cobalt Strike
2022-03-17Bleeping ComputerBill Toulas
New Unix rootkit used to steal ATM banking data
2022-02-18Kookmin UniversityGiyoon Kim, Jongsung Kim, Soojin Kang, Soram Kim
A Method for Decrypting Data Infected with Hive Ransomware
Hive Hive
2022-02-18The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
Academics publish method for recovering data encrypted by the Hive ransomware
Hive Hive
2021-09-30G DataKarsten Hahn
All your hashes are belong to us: An overview of malware hashing algorithms
2021-08-06Sophos Naked SecurityPaul Ducklin
Conti ransomware affiliate goes rogue, leaks “gang data”
2021-07-01Quick HealAyush Puri
WARZONE RAT – Beware Of The Trojan Malware Stealing Data Triggering From Various Office Documents
Ave Maria
2021-04-22Twitter (@ET_Labs)ET Labs
Tweet on Lunar Builder exfiltrating data via Discord webhook
2021-04-19Intel 471Intel 471
How China’s cybercrime underground is making money off big data
4th Update Regarding Data Security Incident Due to Unauthorized Access:Investigation Results
2021-02-17G DataKarsten Hahn
SectopRAT: New version adds encrypted communication
2020-11-18G DataG-Data
Business as usual: Criminal Activities in Times of a Global Pandemic
Agent Tesla Nanocore RAT NetWire RC Remcos
2020-10-21G DataKarsten Hahn
T-RAT 2.0: Malware control via smartphone
T-RAT 2.0
2020-09-02sonatypeAkshay 'Ax' Sharma
Inside the “fallguys” malware that steals your browsing data and gaming IMs; Continued attack on open source software