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2023-12-14MandiantAdrian McCabe, Geoff Ackerman, Rufus Brown, Ryan Tomcik
Opening a Can of Whoop Ads: Detecting and Disrupting a Malvertising Campaign Distributing Backdoors
DanaBot DarkGate UNC4393
2023-12-14MandiantAdrian McCabe, Geoff Ackerman, Rufus Brown, Ryan Tomcik
Opening a Can of Whoop Ads: Detecting and Disrupting a Malvertising Campaign Distributing Backdoors
DanaBot DarkGate
2022-11-28MandiantGeoff Ackerman, John Wolfram, Ryan Tomcik, Tommy Dacanay
Always Another Secret: Lifting the Haze on China-nexus Espionage in Southeast Asia
2022-03-28MandiantBrandon Wilbur, Dallin Warne, Geoff Ackerman, James Maclachlan, John Wolfram, Tufail Ahmed
Forged in Fire: A Survey of MobileIron Log4Shell Exploitation
2022-03-08MandiantDouglas Bienstock, Geoff Ackerman, John Wolfram, Rufus Brown, Van Ta
Does This Look Infected? A Summary of APT41 Targeting U.S. State Governments
2019-04-05FireEyeAlex Pennino, Andrew Thompson, Ben Fedore, Brendan McKeague, Douglas Bienstock, Geoff Ackerman, Van Ta
Pick-Six: Intercepting a FIN6 Intrusion, an Actor Recently Tied to Ryuk and LockerGoga Ransomware
LockerGoga Ryuk FIN6
2018-12-21FireEyeAlex Orleans, Andrew Thompson, Geoff Ackerman, Nick Carr, Rick Cole
OVERRULED: Containing a Potentially Destructive Adversary
POWERTON PoshC2 pupy