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2024-07-25SOC PrimeVeronika Telychko
UAC-0057 Attack Detection: A Surge in Adversary Activity Distributing PICASSOLOADER and Cobalt Strike Beacon
Cobalt Strike PicassoLoader Ghostwriter
StrelaStealer Resurgence: Tracking a JavaScript-Driven Credential Stealer Targeting Europe
2024-02-07MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Intelligence
Iran surges cyber-enabled influence operations in support of Hamas
2023-12-28The Hacker NewsNewsroom
New Rugmi Malware Loader Surges with Hundreds of Daily Detections
The New APT Group DarkCasino and the Global Surge in WinRAR 0-Day Exploits
Cobalt Strike Konni DarkCasino Opal Sleet
2023-10-24National Security and Defense Council of UkraineOrganization of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine
The Surge in SmokeLoader Attacks on Ukrainian Institutions
2023-08-10Avast DecodedThreat Research Team
Unveiling the Dominance of Scams Amidst a 24% Surge in Blocked Attacks
2023-04-12AkamaiStiv Kupchik
Investigating the resurgence of the Mexals campaign
2023-02-28Intel 471Intel 471
Malvertising Surges to Distribute Malware
EugenLoader BATLOADER IcedID
2023-01-05Bleeping ComputerBill Toulas
SpyNote Android malware infections surge after source code leak
2022-12-07K7 SecurityLathashree K
An upsurge of new Android Banking Trojan “Zanubis”
2022-09-16CloudsekAnandeshwar Unnikrishnan
Recordbreaker: The Resurgence of Raccoon
Raccoon RecordBreaker
2022-08-23DarktraceEugene Chua, Hanah Darley, Paul Jennings
Emotet Resurgence: Cross-Industry Campaign Analysis
2022-06-17ZscalerKaivalya Khursale, Sudeep Singh
Resurgence of Voicemail-themed phishing attacks targeting key industry verticals in the US
2022-05-19Trend MicroAdolph Christian Silverio, Jeric Miguel Abordo, Khristian Joseph Morales, Maria Emreen Viray
Bruised but Not Broken: The Resurgence of the Emotet Botnet Malware
Emotet QakBot
2022-03-08LumenBlack Lotus Labs
What Global Network Visibility Reveals about the Resurgence of One of the World’s Most Notorious Botnets
2022-02-24ZscalerDeepen Desai
HermeticWiper & resurgence of targeted attacks on Ukraine
2022-02-23splunkShannon Davis, SURGe
An Empirically Comparative Analysis of Ransomware Binaries
Avaddon Babuk BlackMatter Conti DarkSide LockBit Maze Mespinoza REvil Ryuk
2021-11-11MicrosoftMicrosoft 365 Defender Threat Intelligence Team
HTML smuggling surges: Highly evasive loader technique increasingly used in banking malware, targeted attacks
AsyncRAT Mekotio NjRAT
2021-09-09IBMMegan Roddie
LockBit 2.0: Ransomware Attacks Surge After Successful Affiliate Recruitment
2021-08-17NetcraftSean Gebbett
Resurgent FluBot malware targets German and Polish banks
2021-02-23PhishLabsJessica Ellis
Surge in ZLoader Attacks Observed
2020-07-23DarktraceMax Heinemeyer
The resurgence of the Ursnif banking trojan
ISFB Snifula
2019-07-24SecureworksCTU Research Team
Resurgent Iron Liberty Targeting Energy Sector
2019-07-09Check PointIsrael Gubi
The 2019 Resurgence of Smokeloader
2016-04-28Cisco TalosBen Baker
Research Spotlight: The Resurgence of Qbot
1900-01-01Security AffairsPierluigi Paganini
Hackers Broke Into the Celeb London Bridge Plastic Surgery Clinic