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2023-04-26UptycsUptycs Threat Research
RTM Locker Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) Now Suits Up for Linux Architecture
RTM Locker
2023-04-26United States District Court (Southern District of New York)Google
CryptBot complaint against Zubair Saeed, Raheel Arshad and Mohammad Rasheed Siddiqui
Threat Actor Selling New Atomic macOS (AMOS) Stealer on Telegram
2023-04-26Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Unit 42
Chinese Alloy Taurus Updates PingPull Malware
PingPull Sword2033
2023-04-26ESET ResearchFacundo Muñoz
Evasive Panda APT group delivers malware via updates for popular Chinese software
2023-04-26Bleeping ComputerBill Toulas
Chinese hackers use new Linux malware variants for espionage
2023-04-26Youtube (MalwareAnalysisForHedgehogs)Karsten Hahn
Malware Theory - Packer identifiers don"t tell you if a file is packed
RokRAT Malware Distributed Through LNK Files (*.lnk): RedEyes (ScarCruft)
2023-04-26NetresecErik Hjelmvik
EvilExtractor Network Forensics
2023-04-26eSentireJoe Stewart, Keegan Keplinger
Gootloader Unloaded: Researchers Launch Multi-Pronged Offensive Against Gootloader, Cutting Off Traffic to Thousands of Gootloader Web Pages and Using the Operator’s Very Own Tactics to Protect End-Users
2023-04-25ElasticDaniel Stepanic
Elastic Security Labs discovers the LOBSHOT malware
2023-04-24Trend MicroDon Ovid Ladores
ViperSoftX Updates Encryption, Steals Data
2023-04-24Immersive LabsKevin Breen
Detecting and decrypting Sliver C2 – a threat hunter’s guide
2023-04-24CofenseAustin Jones
Open-Source Gh0st RAT Still Haunting Inboxes 15 Years After Release
Ghost RAT
2023-04-24Kaspersky LabsIvan Kwiatkowski, Pierre Delcher
Tomiris called, they want their Turla malware back
KopiLuwak Andromeda Ave Maria GoldMax JLORAT Kazuar Meterpreter QUIETCANARY RATel Roopy Telemiris tomiris Topinambour Storm-0473
2023-04-24CoinDeskJesse Hamilton, Nikhilesh De
U.S. Sanctions 3 North Koreans for Supporting Hacking Group Known for Crypto Thefts
2023-04-23OALabsSergei Frankoff
in2al5dp3in4er Loader
Aurora Stealer
2023-04-23d01aMohamed Adel
exposing the internals of Aurora Stealer Builder
Aurora Stealer
2023-04-21K7 SecuritySudeep Waingankar
MuddyWaters back with DarkBit
2023-04-21SophosColin Cowie, Paul Jaramillo
IcedID: Defrosting a Recent Campaign Illustrating evolving tactics and shared infrastructure
IcedID PhotoLoader