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2021-03-30F-SecureF-Secure Labs
Attack landscape update: Ransomware 2.0, automated recon, and supply chain attacks
2021-03-26Bleeping ComputerLawrence Abrams
Ransomware gang urges victims’ customers to demand a ransom payment
2021-03-25MicrosoftTom McElroy
Web Shell Threat Hunting with Azure Sentinel
2021-03-22JPCERT/CCShusei Tomonaga
Lazarus Attack Activities Targeting Japan (VSingle/ValeforBeta)
Eduskunnan tietojärjestelmiin kohdistuneen tietomurron tutkinnassa selvitetään yhteyttä APT31-toimijaan
2021-03-17GoggleHeadedHacker BlogJacob Pimental
Automatic Gobfuscator Deobfuscation with EKANS Ransomware
2021-03-15MinervaLabsTom Roter
Taurus Stealer's Evolution
Taurus Stealer
2021-03-02MicrosoftTom Burt
New nation-state cyberattacks (HAFNIUM)
2021-02-16CybereasonTom Fakterman
Cybereason vs. NetWalker Ransomware
2021-02-12InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogXavier Mertens
AgentTesla Dropped Through Automatic Click in Microsoft Help File
Agent Tesla
2021-02-08CrowdStrikeSeb Walla, Tom Henry, Tom Simpson
Blocking SolarMarker Backdoor
2021-01-26Twitter (@swisscom_csirt)Swisscom CSIRT
Tweet on Cring Ransomware groups using customized Mimikatz sample followed by CobaltStrike and dropping Cring rasomware
Cobalt Strike Cring MimiKatz
2021-01-26JPCERT/CCShusei Tomonaga
Operation Dream Job by Lazarus
LCPDot Torisma Lazarus Group
2021-01-20JPCERT/CCShusei Tomonaga
Commonly Known Tools Used by Lazarus
Lazarus Group
2021-01-19HPPatrick Schläpfer
Dridex Malicious Document Analysis: Automating the Extraction of Payload URLs
2021-01-19JPCERT/CCShusei Tomonaga
Tools used within the network invaded by attack group Lazarus
2021-01-14ImpervaShiran Bareli
Python Cryptominer Botnet Quickly Adopts Latest Vulnerabilities
2021-01-13AlienVaultTom Hegel
A Global Perspective of the SideWinder APT
8.t Dropper Koadic SideWinder
2021-01-08Youtube (Virus Bulletin)Hajime Takai, Rintaro Koike, Shogo Hayashi
Unveiling the CryptoMimic
2021-01-04SentinelOneMarco Figueroa
Building a Custom Malware Analysis Lab Environment