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2021-10-04CiscoTiago Pereira
Threat hunting in large datasets by clustering security events
BazarBackdoor TrickBot
2021-10-01HPHP Wolf Security
Threat Insights Report Q3 - 2021
STRRAT CloudEyE NetWire RC Remcos TrickBot Vjw0rm
2021-09-30PTSecurityPT ESC Threat Intelligence
Masters of Mimicry: new APT group ChamelGang and its arsenal
Cobalt Strike
2021-09-30PTSecurityPT Expert Security Center
Masters of Mimicry: new APT group ChamelGang and its arsenal
DoorMe Chamelgang
2021-09-30PT Expert Security Center
Masters of Mimicry: new APT group ChamelGang and its arsenal
Cobalt Strike
2021-09-29Silent PushSilent Push
Evaluating the Value of Security Intelligence Feeds with Silent Push
2021-09-27Security Soup BlogRyan Campbell
DoppelDridex Delivered via Slack and Discord
2021-09-25Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Security Intelligence
Thread on Malicious Android apps posing as bank loan services are being widely distributed to targets in Asia
Unidentified APK 006
2021-09-21GuidePoint SecurityDrew Schmitt
A Ransomware Near Miss: ProxyShell, a RAT, and Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike
2021 IBM SecurityX-Force Cloud Threat Landscape Report
Kaiji Kinsing Tsunami Xanthe XOR DDoS
2021-09-18Security Soup BlogRyan Campbell
“Squirrelwaffle” Maldoc Analysis
2021-09-17K7 SecurityBaran S
2021-09-14Cado SecurityCado Security
TeamTNT Script Employed to Grab AWS Credentials
TeamTNT Tsunami
2021-09-13K7 SecurityLathashree K
Beware of this Lock Screen App
假面行动(Operation MaskFace)-疑似针对境外银行的利用问卷调查为主题的钓鱼攻击事件分析
2021-09-02US Department of Health and Human ServicesHealth Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3)
Demystifying BlackMatter
BlackMatter BlackMatter DarkSide
2021-09-02MicrosoftMicrosoft Offensive Research & Security Engineering team
A deep-dive into the SolarWinds Serv-U SSH vulnerability (DEV-0322)
2021-09-01YouTube (Hack In The Box Security Conference)Joey Chen, Yi-Jhen Hsieh
SHADOWPAD: Chinese Espionage Malware-as-a-Service
PlugX ShadowPad
2021-08-24Basque Cybersecurity CentreBasque Cybersecurity Centre
2021-08-06Sophos Naked SecurityPaul Ducklin
Conti ransomware affiliate goes rogue, leaks “gang data”