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2024-11-26Security IntelligenceNir Somech
What’s up India? PixPirate is back and spreading via WhatsApp
2024-02-28Security IntelligenceGolo Mühr, Ole Villadsen
X-Force data reveals top spam trends, campaigns and senior superlatives in 2023
404 Keylogger Agent Tesla Black Basta DarkGate Formbook IcedID Loki Password Stealer (PWS) Pikabot QakBot Remcos
2024-02-19AhnLabAhnLab SEcurity intelligence Center
Analysis of Nood RAT Used in Attacks Against Linux (Gh0st RAT’s Variant)
Nood RAT
2024-02-11Microsoft Security Intelligence
2023-12-08Security IntelligenceClaire Zaboeva, Golo Mühr, Joe Fasulo
ITG05 operations leverage Israel-Hamas conflict lures to deliver Headlace malware
2023-11-06Security IntelligenceGolo Mühr, Ole Villadsen
GootBot – Gootloader’s new approach to post-exploitation
GootLoader UNC2565
2023-09-12Security IntelligenceGolo Mühr, Kat Metrick, Ole Villadsen
Email campaigns leverage updated DBatLoader to deliver RATs, stealers
2023-06-06Security IntelligenceAgnes Ramos-Beauchamp, Claire Zaboeva, Joshua Chung, Melissa Frydrych
ITG10 Likely Targeting South Korean Entities of Interest to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)
2023-04-14Security IntelligenceCharlotte Hammond, Ole Villadsen
Ex-Conti and FIN7 Actors Collaborate with New Domino Backdoor
2022-11-09Security IntelligenceJonathan Reed
Ransomware-as-a-Service Transforms Gangs Into Businesses
Eternity Stealer
2022-10-28Elastic@rsprooten, Elastic Security Intelligence & Analytics Team
EMOTET dynamic config extraction
2022-05-06Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Security Intelligence
Twitter Thread on initial infeciton of SocGholish/ FAKEUPDATES campaigns lead to BLISTER Loader, CobaltStrike, Lockbit and followed by Hands On Keyboard activity
FAKEUPDATES Blister Cobalt Strike LockBit
2022-03-01AkamaiSecurity Intelligence Response Team
TCP Middlebox Reflection: Coming to a DDoS Near You
2022-01-15MicrosoftMicrosoft, Microsoft 365 Defender Threat Intelligence Team, Microsoft Detection and Response Team (DART), Microsoft Digital Security Unit (DSU), Microsoft Security Intelligence
Destructive malware targeting Ukrainian organizations (DEV-0586)
WhisperGate DEV-0586
2021-12-15Security IntelligenceIBM SECURITY X-FORCE
Nation State Threat Group Targets Airline with Aclip Backdoor
2021-10-21Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Security Intelligence
Tweet on new variant of mac malware UpdateAgent/WizardUpdate
2021-10-19MicrosoftMicrosoft Security Intelligence
2021-10-12ElasticElastic Security Intelligence & Analytics Team
Going Coast to Coast - Climbing the Pyramid with the Deimos Implant
2021-09-29Silent PushSilent Push
Evaluating the Value of Security Intelligence Feeds with Silent Push
2021-09-25Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Security Intelligence
Thread on Malicious Android apps posing as bank loan services are being widely distributed to targets in Asia
Unidentified APK 006