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2021-08-06The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
Australian cybersecurity agency warns of spike in LockBit ransomware attacks
2021-08-05KrebsOnSecurityBrian Krebs
Ransomware Gangs and the Name Game Distraction
DarkSide RansomEXX Babuk Cerber Conti DarkSide DoppelPaymer Egregor FriedEx Gandcrab Hermes Maze RansomEXX REvil Ryuk Sekhmet
2021-08-04Security IntelligenceAllison Wikoff, Richard Emerson
ITG18: Operational Security Errors Continue to Plague Sizable Iranian Threat Group
2021-08-03PTSecurityPT Expert Security Center
APT31 new dropper. Target destinations: Mongolia, Russia, the U.S., and elsewhere
2021-07-30Menlo SecurityMENLO Security
ISOMorph Infection: In-Depth Analysis of a New HTML Smuggling Campaign
2021-07-29360 Total Securitykate
“Netfilter Rootkit II ” Continues to Hold WHQL Signatures
2021-07-28CISAAustralian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), CISA, FBI, NCSC UK
Top Routinely Exploited Vulnerabilities
2021-07-27ElasticElastic Security Intelligence & Analytics Team
Collecting and operationalizing threat data from the Mozi botnet
2021-07-26The WireKabir Agarwal, Sangeeta Barooah Pisharoty
From Army and BSF to RAW, Spyware Threat Touched National Security Field Too
2021-07-25Arkadiy Tetelman A Security BlogArkadiy Tetelman
Scanning your iPhone for Pegasus, NSO Group's malware
2021-07-24Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Security Intelligence
Tweet on attackers increasingly using HTML smuggling in phishing and other email campaigns to deliver Casbaneiro
2021-07-20Huntress LabsJohn Hammond
Security Researchers’ Hunt to Discover Origins of the Kaseya VSA Mass Ransomware Incident
2021-07-19Department of JusticeOffice of Public Affairs
Four Chinese Nationals Working with the Ministry of State Security Charged with Global Computer Intrusion Campaign Targeting Intellectual Property and Confidential Business Information, Including Infectious Disease Research
2021-07-19Washington PostCraig Timberg, Elodie Guéguen, Reed Albergotti
Despite the hype, iPhone security no match for NSO spyware
2021-07-14BC SECURITYHubbl3
XLS Entanglement
2021-07-14Cado SecurityChristopher Doman
Triage analysis of Serv-U FTP user backdoor deployed by CVE-2021-35211 (DEV-0322)
2021-07-14Advanced IntelligenceAdvIntel Security & Development Team, Yelisey Boguslavskiy
REvil Vanishes From Underground - Infrastructure Down
2021-07-13Cado SecurityChristopher Doman
Resources for Investigating Cloud and Container Penetration Testing Tools
2021-07-12K7 SecurityBaran S
2021-07-09T&T SECURITYT&T RE Team
Watering hole threat analysis in the public sector of Kazakhstan