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2021-09-27Trend MicroArianne Dela Cruz, Gilbert Sison, Joelson Soares, Ryan Maglaque, Warren Sto.Tomas
Fake Installers Drop Malware and Open Doors for Opportunistic Attackers
RedLine Stealer Socelars Vidar
2021-09-27KasperskyDmitry Galov, Leonid Bezvershenko, Marc Rivero López
BloodyStealer and gaming assets for sale
2021-09-27Security Soup BlogRyan Campbell
DoppelDridex Delivered via Slack and Discord
2021-09-27CybereasonAleksandar Milenkoski
Threat Analysis Report: Inside the Destructive PYSA Ransomware
2021-09-27CynetMax Malyutin
A Virtual Baffle to Battle Squirrelwaffle
Cobalt Strike Squirrelwaffle
2021-09-27MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC), Ramin Nafisi
FoggyWeb: Targeted NOBELIUM malware leads to persistent backdoor
2021-09-27MicrosoftDetection and Response Team (DART)
A guide to combatting human-operated ransomware: Part 2
2021-09-26NSFOCUSJie Ji
Insights into Ransomware Spread Using Exchange 1-Day Vulnerabilities 1-2
Cobalt Strike LockFile
Desorden Group claims to have stolen 200 GB of data from ABX Express
2021-09-26Medium BlueteamOpsBlueteamOps
Supercharging Bulk DFIR triage with Node-RED, Google’s Log2timeline & Google’s Timesketch
2021-09-26Twitter (@malwaremustd1e)malwaremustdie
Tweet on Interesting way to hide hardcoded tcp/port of bindshell shellcode on OSX
2021-09-25Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Security Intelligence
Thread on Malicious Android apps posing as bank loan services are being widely distributed to targets in Asia
Unidentified APK 006
Daily Ruleset Update Summary 2021/09/24
2021-09-24Trend MicroWarren Sto.Tomas
Examining the Cring Ransomware Techniques
Cobalt Strike Cring MimiKatz
2021-09-24Twitter (@inversecos)inversecos
A thread on TTPs of Prometheus Ransomware attacks
2021-09-24Council of the European UnionCouncil of the European Union
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on respect for the EU’s democratic processes
2021-09-24ZeroFoxZeroFox Research
Flash Report: Colossus Ransomware
2021-09-24YoroiLuca Mella, Luigi Martire
Hunting the LockBit Gang's Exfiltration Infrastructures
LockBit StealBit
2021-09-23laceworkJared Stroud, Tom Hegel
HCRootkit / Sutersu Linux Rootkit Analysis
2021-09-23ZeroFoxStephan Simon
Raccoon Stealer Pivots Towards Self-Protection