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2021-06-18GOV.PLJarosław Kaczyński
Statement by the Vice-President of the Council of Ministers, Chairman of the Committee for National Security and Defense Affairs, Jarosław Kaczyński (about UNC1151)
2021-06-18PRODAFT Threat IntelligencePRODAFT
LockBit RaaS In-Depth Analysis
2021-06-18CrowdStrikeHeather Smith, Josh Dalman
Ransomware Actors Evolved Their Operations in 2020
2021-06-18NSFOCUSFuying Laboratory
Ryuk Botnet, Simps Botnet, Gods of Destny Botnet
2021-06-18Chosun BizSon Deok-ho, 손덕호 기자
The Atomic Energy Research Institute has been breached by a North Korean hacker organization Kimsuky
2021-06-18Bleeping ComputerSergiu Gatlan
Poland blames Russia for breach, theft of Polish officials' emails
2021-06-18SecurityScorecardRyan Sherstobitoff
SecurityScorecard Finds USAID Hack Much Larger Than Initially Thought
Cobalt Strike
2021-06-18YouTube (jnpc)Twitter (@yarai1978), Yuu Arai
"Cyber ​​Security" Yu Arai, NTT DATA Executive Security Analyst
2021-06-17Suvaditya Sur
Analysis of SmokeLoader
2021-06-17Norwegian Police Security Service (PST)Dafina Shala
Etterforskningen av datanettverksoperasjonen mot statsforvalterembeter henlegges
2021-06-17Norwegian Police Security Service (PST)Norwegian Police Security Service (PST)
The investigation of the computer network operation (by APT31) against public administration offices is closed
2021-06-17nrkEspen Kjendlie, Tormod Strand, Øyvind Bye Skille
For the first time, PST says that China (APT31) is behind a computer attack
2021-06-17SpecterOpsElad Shamir
Shadow Credentials: Abusing Key Trust Account Mapping for Account Takeover
2021-06-17struppigelKarsten Hahn
Tweet on Network filter rootkit driver signed by Microsoft
2021-06-17GigamonJoe Slowik
Hold the Door: Examining Exfiltration Activity and Applying Countermeasures
2021-06-17Binary DefenseBrandon George
Analysis of Hancitor – When Boring Begets Beacon
Cobalt Strike Ficker Stealer Hancitor
2021-06-17SophosAndrew Brandt
Vigilante malware rats out software pirates while blocking ThePirateBay
2021-06-17K7 SecurityBaran S
Teabot : Android Banking Trojan Targets Banks in Europe
2021-06-17IntezerRyan Robinson
Klingon RAT Holding on for Dear Life
2021-06-17Trend MicroAliakbar Zahravi
Bash Ransomware DarkRadiation Targets Red Hat- and Debian-based Linux Distributions