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USB Security-Myths vs. Reality
2020-05-28National Security AgencyCybersecurity Advisory
Sandworm Actors Exploiting Vulnerability in EXIM Mail Transfer Agent
2020-05-28Github Security LabAlvaro Muñoz
The Octopus Scanner Malware: Attacking the open source supply chain
Octopus Scanner
2020-05-23Australian Cyber Security CentreAustralian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC)
Summary of Tradecraft Trends for 2019-20: Tactics, Techniques and Procedures Used to Target Australian Networks
2020-05-21PICUS SecuritySüleyman Özarslan
T1055 Process Injection
BlackEnergy Cardinal RAT Downdelph Emotet Kazuar RokRAT SOUNDBITE
2020-05-21SophosSophosLabs Uncut
Ragnar Locker ransomware deploys virtual machine to dodge security
2020-05-21Malwarebyteshasherezade, prsecurity
The “Silent Night” Zloader/Zbot
2020-05-20PTSecurityPT ESC Threat Intelligence
Operation TA505: how we analyzed new tools from the creators of the Dridex trojan, Locky ransomware, and Neutrino botnet
2020-05-19HornetsecuritySecurity Lab
Information Stealer Campaign Targeting German HR Contacts
LALALA Stealer
2020-05-16Cado SecurityChris Doman, James Campbell
Recent Attacks Against Supercomputers
2020-05-14LeonardoLeonardo’s Cyber Security division
Malware Technical Insight Turla "Penquin_x64"
Penquin Turla
2020-05-14360 Total Securitykate
Vendetta - new threat actor from Europe
Nanocore RAT Remcos
2020-05-12Yet Another Security BlogMichael Weber
Evading Detection with Excel 4.0 Macros and the BIFF8 XLS Format
2020-05-11SecurityIntelligenceLimor Kessem, Nir Shwarts
Zeus Sphinx Back in Business: Some Core Modifications Arise
Zeus Sphinx
2020-05-11KrebsOnSecurityBrian Krebs
Ransomware Hit ATM Giant Diebold Nixdorf
2020-05-09360 Total Securitykate
ClodCore: A malware family that delivers mining modules through cloud control
2020-05-06KrebsOnSecurityBrian Krebs
Europe’s Largest Private Hospital Operator Fresenius Hit by Ransomware
2020-05-05HornetsecuritySecurity Lab
Awaiting the Inevitable Return of Emotet
2020-05-01Viettel CybersecurityCyberthreat
Chiến dịch của nhóm APT Trung Quốc Goblin Panda tấn công vào Việt Nam lợi dụng đại dịch Covid-19 (phần 1)
NewCore RAT PlugX
2020-04-19SecurityLiterateKyle Cucci
Reversing Ryuk: A Technical Analysis of Ryuk Ransomware