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2021-08-19BlackberryBlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team
BlackBerry Prevents: Threat Actor Group TA575 and Dridex Malware
Cobalt Strike Dridex TA575
2021-08-15SymantecThreat Hunter Team
The Ransomware Threat
Babuk BlackMatter DarkSide Avaddon Babuk BADHATCH BazarBackdoor BlackMatter Clop Cobalt Strike Conti DarkSide DoppelPaymer Egregor Emotet FiveHands FriedEx Hades IcedID LockBit Maze MegaCortex MimiKatz QakBot RagnarLocker REvil Ryuk TrickBot WastedLocker
2021-08-12NetskopeGustavo Palazolo
Netskope Threat Coverage: LockBit
2021-08-12BlackberryBlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team
Threat Thursday: Ficker Infostealer Malware
Ficker Stealer
2021-08-11CybereasonTony Bradley
The Rising Threat from LockBit Ransomware
2021-08-10FireEyeIsrael Research Team, U.S. Threat Intel Team
UNC215: Spotlight on a Chinese Espionage Campaign in Israel
HyperBro HyperSSL MimiKatz
2021-08-06Threat PostElizabeth Montalbano
Angry Affiliate Leaks Conti Ransomware Gang Playbook
2021-08-06ESET ResearchZuzana Hromcová
IIStealer: A server‑side threat to e‑commerce transactions
2021-08-05SecureworksCounter Threat Unit ResearchTeam
Detecting Cobalt Strike: Government-Sponsored Threat Groups (APT32)
Cobalt Strike
2021-08-05SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Attacks Against Critical Infrastructure: A Global Concern
BlackEnergy DarkSide DistTrack Stuxnet
2021-08-04Security IntelligenceAllison Wikoff, Richard Emerson
ITG18: Operational Security Errors Continue to Plague Sizable Iranian Threat Group
2021-08-04SecureworksCounter Threat Unit ResearchTeam
Detecting Cobalt Strike: Cybercrime Attacks (GOLD LAGOON)
Cobalt Strike
2021-08-03CrowdStrikeEric Loui, Josh Reynolds, Michael DeCristofaro
Squashing SPIDERS: Threat Intelligence, Threat Hunting and Rapid Response Stops SQL Injection Campaign
2021-08-03CybereasonAssaf Dahan, Daniel Frank, Lior Rochberger, Tom Fakterman
DeadRinger: Exposing Chinese Threat Actors Targeting Major Telcos
CHINACHOPPER Cobalt Strike MimiKatz Nebulae
2021-08-02360 Threat Intelligence CenterAdvanced Threat Institute
Operation Hunting - The latest attack by the CNC (APT-C-48) has been revealed
2021-07-29MicrosoftMicrosoft Defender Threat Intelligence
BazaCall: Phony call centers lead to exfiltration and ransomware
BazarBackdoor BazarCall
2021-07-29MicrosoftMicrosoft 365 Defender Threat Intelligence Team
When coin miners evolve, Part 2: Hunting down LemonDuck and LemonCat attacks
Lemon Duck
2021-07-29MicrosoftMicrosoft 365 Defender Threat Intelligence Team
BazaCall: Phony call centers lead to exfiltration and ransomware
BazarBackdoor Cobalt Strike
2021-07-29ENISAApostolos Malatras, Eleni Tsekmezoglou, Ifigeneia Lella, Konstantinos Moulinos, Marianthi Theocharidou, Sebastian García, Veronica Valeros, Volker Distelrath
ENISA Threat Landscape for Supply Chain Attacks
2021-07-27Trend MicroAlfredo Oliveira, David Fiser
Threat Actors Exploit Misconfigured Apache Hadoop YARN