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2021-01-19Medium elis531989Eli Salem
Funtastic Packers And Where To Find Them
Get2 IcedID QakBot
2021-01-19JPCERT/CCShusei Tomonaga
Tools used within the network invaded by attack group Lazarus
2021-01-18AreteAdam Brown, Harold Rodriguez
Egregor: The Ghost of Soviet Bears Past Haunts On
2021-01-18Bundesamt für VerfassungsschutzBundesamt für Verfassungsschutz
BfV Cyber-Brief Nr. 01/2021 : Vorgehensweise von APT31
2021-01-18Youtube ( AGDC Services)AGDC Services
How To Reverse Engineer RC4 Crypto For Malware Analysis
2021-01-18SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Raindrop: New Malware Discovered in SolarWinds Investigation
Cobalt Strike Raindrop SUNBURST TEARDROP
2021-01-18ArxivDaniele Sgandurra, Jason Gray, Lorenzo Cavallaro
Identifying Authorship Style in Malicious Binaries: Techniques, Challenges & Datasets
2021-01-18Twitter (@teamcymru)Team Cymru
Tweet on APT36 CrimsonRAT C2
Crimson RAT
2021-01-18tccontre Blogtcontre
Extracting Shellcode in ICEID .PNG Steganography
2021-01-18guitmz blogGuilherme Thomazi Bonicontro
Linux.Midrashim: Assembly x64 ELF virus
2021-01-18Bleeping ComputerLawrence Abrams
IObit forums hacked to spread ransomware to its members
2021-01-18aaqeel01Ali Aqeel
Docx Files Template-Injection
Unidentified 003 (Gamaredon Downloader)
2021-01-18Bleeping ComputerLawrence Abrams
IObit forums hacked in widespread DeroHE ransomware attack
2021-01-18The DFIR ReportThe DFIR Report
All That for a Coinminer?
Coinminer Monero Miner
2021-01-18Medium csis-techblogBenoît Ancel
GCleaner — Garbage Provider Since 2019
Amadey Ficker Stealer Raccoon RedLine Stealer SmokeLoader STOP
2021-01-18WiredAndy Greenberg
Trump’s Worst, Most Bizarre Statements About ‘the Cyber’
2021-01-18Cado Securitycadolabs
Botnet Deploys Cloud and Container Attack Techniques
2021-01-17a12d404Markus Piéton
Backdooring MSBuild
2021-01-17Twitter (@AltShiftPrtScn)Peter Mackenzie
Tweet on Conti Ransomware group exploiting FortiGate VPNs to drop in CobaltStrike loaders
Cobalt Strike Conti
2021-01-16MediumIsha Kudkar
Oski Stealer : A Credential Theft Malware
Oski Stealer