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2020-12-15MalwarebytesPieter Arntz
Threat profile: Egregor ransomware is making a name for itself
2020-12-15VMRayVMRay Labs Team
Malware Analysis Spotlight – Hentai Oniichan Ransomware (Berserker Variant)
2020-12-15Chuongdong blogChuong Dong
Conti Ransomware v2
2020-12-15Cyborg SecurityAustin Jackson
Threat Hunt Deep Dives: SolarWinds Supply Chain Compromise (Solorigate / SUNBURST Backdoor)
2020-12-15Medium (Cryptax)Axelle Apvrille
Unpacking an Android malware with Dexcalibur and JEB
2020-12-15Github (itsreallynick)Nick Carr
A quick note from Nick Carr on COSMICGALE and SUPERNOVA that those are unrelated to UC2452 intrusion campaign
2020-12-15360 Threat Intelligence CenterAdvanced Threat Institute
Operation Falling Eagle-the secret of the most influential supply chain attack in history
2020-12-15Twitter @cybercdh)Colin Hardy
Tweet on some more capabilties of SUNBURST backdoor
2020-12-15FacebookDavid Agranovich, Nathaniel Gleicher
Removing Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior from France and Russia
2020-12-15Trend MicroBuddy Tancio, Gilbert Sison, Lenart Bermejo
Finding APTX: Attacks via MITRE TTPs
2020-12-15ThreatConnectThreatConnect Research Team
Infrastructure Research and Hunting: Boiling the Domain Ocean
2020-12-15Twitter @cybercdh)Colin Hardy
Tweet on CyberChef recipe to extract and decode strings from #SolarWinds malware binaries.
2020-12-15CofenseAaron Riley
Strategic Analysis: Agent Tesla Expands Targeting and Networking Capabilities
Agent Tesla
2020-12-15PICUS SecuritySüleyman Özarslan
Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) Used in the SolarWinds Breach
Cobalt Strike SUNBURST
2020-12-15HornetsecurityHornetsecurity Security Lab
QakBot reducing its on disk artifacts
Egregor PwndLocker QakBot
2020-12-15Trend MicroTrend Micro
Overview of Recent Sunburst Targeted Attacks
2020-12-15Trend MicroWilliam Gamazo Sanchez
Who is the Threat Actor Behind Operation Earth Kitsune?
Freenki Loader SLUB Earth Kitsune
2020-12-15EST SecurityAlyac
Goldstar 121 organization proceeds with HWP OLE-based APT attack
Operation MUZABI
2020-12-15Github (Dump-GUY)Jiří Vinopal
Reverse engineering KPOT v2.0 Stealer
KPOT Stealer