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2017-04-10SymantecSymantec Security Response
Longhorn: Tools used by cyberespionage group linked to Vault 7
Lambert Longhorn
2017-04-06KrebsOnSecurityBrian Krebs
Self-Proclaimed ‘Nuclear Bot’ Author Weighs U.S. Job Offer
2017-03-28SecurityIntelligenceIlya Kolmanovich, Limor Kessem
The NukeBot Trojan, a Bruised Ego and a Surprising Source Code Leak
2017-03-13Core SecurityCore Security
Behind a Malware Lifecycle and Infection Chain: Linking Asprox, Zemot, Rovix and Rerdom Malware Families
2017-03-02Laboratory of Cryptography and System SecurityBoldizsar Bencsath
Update on the Fancy Bear Android malware (poprd30.apk)
2017-03-01KrebsOnSecurityBrian Krebs
Ransomware for Dummies: Anyone Can Do It
Philadephia Ransom
2017-03-01SecurityIntelligenceGadi Ostrovsky, Limor Kessem
GootKit Developers Dress It Up With Web Traffic Proxy
2017-02-28Security IntelligenceMagal Baz, Or Safran
Dridex’s Cold War: Enter AtomBombing
2017-02-27SymantecSymantec Security Response
Shamoon: Multi-staged destructive attacks limited to specific targets
Rocket Kitten
2017-02-25Financial Security InstituteKyoung-Ju Kwak (郭炅周)
Silent RIFLE: Response Against Advanced Threat
Ghost RAT
2017-02-24Some stuff about security.. BlogAngel Alonso
Hunting Retefe with Splunk - some interesting points
2017-02-16SecurityAffairsPierluigi Paganini
Iranian hackers behind the Magic Hound campaign linked to Shamoon
pupy APT35
2017-02-15Adventures in SecurityNick Hoffman
The Rambo Backdoor
2017-02-10Department of Homeland SecurityCommunications Integration Center, National Cybersecurity
AR-17-20045 - Enhanced Analysis of GRIZZLY STEPPE Activity
2017-01-27Joe's SecurityJoe
Deep Analysis of Android Ransom Charger
2017-01-26SecurityIntelligenceLimor Kessem
Around the World With Zeus Sphinx: From Canada to Australia and Back
2017-01-23SymantecSymantec Security Response
Greenbug cyberespionage group targeting Middle East, possible links to Shamoon
DistTrack ISMDoor Greenbug
2017-01-23SymantecSymantec Security Response
Greenbug cyberespionage group targeting Middle East, possible links to Shamoon
DistTrack ISMDoor Greenbug
2017-01-10SecurityIntelligenceLimor Kessem, Lior Keshet
Client Maximus: New Remote Overlay Malware Highlights Rising Malcode Sophistication in Brazil
Client Maximus
2017-01-05ReutersJ.R. Wu, Jim Finkle
Taiwan ATM heist linked to European hacking spree: security firm