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2024-01-18GoogleGoogle Threat Analysis Group, Wesley Shields
Russian threat group COLDRIVER expands its targeting of Western officials to include the use of malware
2024-01-17Rapid7Natalie Zargarov
Whispers of Atlantida: Safeguarding Your Digital Treasure
2024-01-17MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Intelligence
New TTPs observed in Mint Sandstorm campaign targeting high-profile individuals at universities and research orgs
2024-01-17dark readDark Reading
Nearly 7K WordPress Sites Compromised by Balada Injector
2024-01-17splunkSplunk Threat Research Team
Enter The Gates: An Analysis of the DarkGate AutoIt Loader
2024-01-17TrellixMax Kersten
Kuiper Ransomware’s Evolution
Kuiper Kuiper Kuiper
2024-01-16ANY.RUNJane, khr0x, Maksim Mikhailov
A Full Analysis of the Pure Malware Family: Unique and Growing Threat
PureCrypter PureLogs Stealer
2024-01-16NOZOMI Network LabsNozomi Networks Labs
P2PInfect Worm Evolves to Target a New Platform
2024-01-16Medium walmartglobaltechJason Reaves, Jonathan Mccay, Joshua Platt
Keyhole Analysis
IcedID Keyhole
2024-01-16S2W LAB Inc.Minyeop Choi
Detailed Analysis of DarkGate; Investigating new top-trend backdoor malware
2024-01-15DFIR.chStephan Berger
Hunting AsyncRAT & QuasarRAT
AsyncRAT Quasar RAT
2024-01-15nikhilh-20Nikhil Hegde
NoaBot Botnet - Sandboxing with ELFEN and Analysis
2024-01-15Russian Panda Research BlogRussianPanda
From Russia With Code: Disarming Atomic Stealer
2024-01-15HarfangLabIvan Kwiatkowski
An Introduction to Reverse Engineering .NET AOT Applications
2024-01-15TRUESECViktor Sahin-Uppströmer
A Victim of Mallox Ransomware: How Truesec CSIRT Fought Back
2024-01-14SecurityScorecardSecurityScorecard STRIKE Team
Operation 99: North Korean State Sponsored Supply Chain Attack on Tech Innovation
2024-01-13YouTube (Embee Research)Embee_research
Cobalt Strike Shellcode Analysis and C2 Extraction
Cobalt Strike
Sneaky Azorult Back in Action and Goes Undetected
2024-01-12YouTube (BSides Cambridge UK)Cian Heasley
Slipping The Net: Qakbot, Emotet And Defense Evasion
Emotet QakBot
2024-01-12Trend MicroAliakbar Zahravi, Peter Girnus, Simon Zuckerbraun
CVE-2023-36025 Exploited for Defense Evasion in Phemedrone Stealer Campaign
Phemedrone Stealer