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2020-06-15SansecSansec Threat Research Team
Magecart strikes amid Corona lockdown
2020-06-09MicrosoftRob Mead, Tom McElroy
Web shell threat hunting with Azure Sentinel and Microsoft Threat Protection
2020-06-09MalwarebytesThreat Intelligence Team
Honda and Enel impacted by cyber attack suspected to be ransomware
2020-06-08KELARaveed Laeb
Schrodinger’s Threat – MagBo Adapts Access Control Policies
2020-06-08SentinelOnePhil Stokes
A Guide to macOS Threat Hunting and Incident Response
2020-06-08VMWare Carbon BlackA C
TAU Threat Analysis: Hakbit Ransomware
2020-06-08ProofpointDennis Schwarz, Georgi Mladenov, Michael Raggi, Proofpoint Threat Research Team
TA410: The Group Behind LookBack Attacks Against U.S. Utilities Sector Returns with New Malware
FlowCloud Lookback APT10 TA410
2020-06-05GoogleClement Lecigne, Google Threat Analysis Group
Exploits of a TAG analyst chasing in the wild (slides)
2020-06-05GoogleClement Lecigne, Google Threat Analysis Group
Exploits of a TAG analyst chasing in the wild (video)
2020-06-04Raytheon Blackbird TechnologiesBlackberry Research
Threat Spotlight: Tycoon Ransomware Targets Education and Software Sectors
2020-06-04PTSecurityPT ESC Threat Intelligence
COVID-19 and New Year greetings: an investigation into the tools and methods used by the Higaisa group
Ghost RAT SongXY
2020-06-03Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Alex Hinchliffe, Doel Santos
Threat Assessment: Hangover Threat Group
2020-06-03paloalto Networks Unit 42Alex Hinchliffe, Doel Santos
Threat Assessment: Hangover Threat Group
2020-06-03Trend MicroDaniel Lunghi
How to perform long term monitoring of careless threat actors
BBSRAT HyperBro Trochilus RAT
2020-05-31KasperskyDavid Emm
IT threat evolution Q1 2021
2020-05-28QianxinThreat Intelligence Center
Analysis of recent rattlesnake APT attacks against surrounding countries and regions
2020-05-28Twitter (@Andrew___Morris)Andrew Morris
Tweet on Sandworm threat actor exploiting CVE-2019-10149
2020-05-27SophosLabsAndrew Brandt, Gabor Szappanos
Netwalker ransomware tools give insight into threat actor
2020-05-26Youtube (GRIMM Cyber)Konstantin Klinger
Passive DNS for Threat Detection & Hunting (Discussing some infrastructure related to APT32)
2020-05-25ElasticBrent Murphy, David French, Jamie Butler
The Elastic Guide to Threat Hunting