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2023-10-18Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Ghidra Tutorial - Using Entropy To Locate a Cobalt Strike Decryption Function
Cobalt Strike
2023-10-18GoogleKate Morgan
Government-backed actors exploiting WinRAR vulnerability
Threat Actor Profile: SiegedSec
2023-10-18MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Intelligence
Multiple North Korean threat actors exploiting the TeamCity CVE-2023-42793 vulnerability
FeedLoad ForestTiger HazyLoad RollSling Silent Chollima
2023-10-18Kaspersky LabsGReAT, Kaspersky Lab ICS CERT
Updated MATA attacks industrial companies in Eastern Europe
Dacls Unidentified 106
2023-10-18Cado SecurityMatt Muir, Nate Bill
Qubitstrike - An Emerging Malware Campaign Targeting Jupyter Notebooks
2023-10-17AhnLabASEC Analysis Team
Lazarus Group’s Operation Dream Magic
LazarDoor wAgentTea
2023-10-17Kaspersky LabsGReAT
APT trends report Q3 2023
BadRory TetrisPhantom
Dark Peep #2: War and a Piece of Hilarity
2023-10-17IntrinsecCTI Intrinsec
Lumma Stealer actively deployed in multiple campaigns
Lumma Stealer
2023-10-17Oliver Hough
PROSPERNOT (PROSPERO-AS) The Little AS That Could. Part 1
2023-10-16SekoiaQuentin Bourgue, Threat & Detection Research Team
ClearFake: a newcomer to the “fake updates” threats landscape
2023-10-16Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Decoding a Simple Visual Basic (.vbs) Script - DarkGate Loader
2023-10-16Kaspersky LabsGReAT
A hack in hand is worth two in the bush
StrifeWater RAT Cyber Av3ngers
2023-10-15The RecordJonathan Greig
Colonial Pipeline attributes ransomware claims to ‘unrelated’ third-party data breach
2023-10-15CyberCTOOllie Whitehouse
Chinese Cyber: Resources for Western Researchers
Peculiarities of destructive cyber attacks against Ukrainian providers (CERT-UA#7627)
Poseidon UAC-0006
2023-10-13Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Threat Intelligence
Tweet on Storm-1575 and Dadsec phishing platform
2023-10-13Rewterz Information SecurityRewterz Information Security
Rewterz Threat Alert – Power Supplier’s Network Infiltrated for 6 Months by “Redfly” Hackers – Active IOCs
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Cybersecurity – Week 41