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2020-06-24Counter Threat Unit ResearchTeam
BRONZE VINEWOOD Targets Supply Chains
MimiKatz Trochilus RAT APT31
2020-06-22ProofpointProofpoint Threat Research Team, Sherrod DeGrippo
Hakbit Ransomware Campaign Against Germany, Austria, Switzerland
CloudEyE Hakbit
2020-06-21BromiumAlex Holland
Investigating Threats in HP Sure Controller 4.2: TVRAT
2020-06-18Quick HealPreksha Saxena
Maze ransomware continues to be a threat to the consumers
2020-06-18SCYTHEJorge Orchilles
#ThreatThursday - APT33
2020-06-18MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Protection Intelligence Team
Inside Microsoft Threat Protection: Mapping attack chains from cloud to endpoint (APT33/HOLMIUM)
2020-06-17Youtube (Red Canary)Red Canary
Threat Detection: Blue Mockingbird
2020-06-16MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Protection Intelligence Team
Exploiting a crisis: How cybercriminals behaved during the outbreak
2020-06-16IBMIBM Security X-ForceĀ® Incident Responseand Intelligence Services (IRIS)
Cloud ThreatLandscape Report 2020
2020-06-16PTSecurityPT ESC Threat Intelligence
Cobalt: tactics and tools update
2020-06-16IntezerAviygayil Mechtinger
ELF Malware Analysis 101: Linux Threats No Longer an Afterthought
Cloud Snooper Dacls EvilGnome HiddenWasp MESSAGETAP NOTROBIN QNAPCrypt Winnti
2020-06-15VMWare Carbon BlackA C
TAU Threat Analysis: Relations to Hakbit Ransomware
2020-06-15SansecSansec Threat Research Team
Magecart strikes amid Corona lockdown
2020-06-12ThreatConnectThreatConnect Research Team
Probable Sandworm Infrastructure
Avaddon Emotet Kimsuky
2020-06-11SCYTHEJorge Orchilles
#ThreatThursday - Buhtrap
2020-06-09Kaspersky LabsCostin Raiu
Looking at Big Threats Using Code Similarity. Part 1
Penquin Turla CCleaner Backdoor EternalPetya Regin WannaCryptor XTunnel
2020-06-09McAfeeAlexandre Mundo
RagnarLocker Ransomware Threatens to Release Confidential Information
2020-06-09MicrosoftRob Mead, Tom McElroy
Web shell threat hunting with Azure Sentinel and Microsoft Threat Protection
2020-06-09MalwarebytesThreat Intelligence Team
Honda and Enel impacted by cyber attack suspected to be ransomware
2020-06-08KELARaveed Laeb
Schrodingerā€™s Threat ā€“ MagBo Adapts Access Control Policies