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2023-10-13ElasticCyril François
Disclosing the BLOODALCHEMY backdoor
BloodAlchemy REF5961
2023-10-13AhnLabASEC Analysis Team
Analysis Report on Lazarus Threat Group’s Volgmer and Scout Malware
JessieConTea Scout Volgmer
2023-10-13Twitter (@JAMESWT_MHT)JamesWT
Tweets on Wikiloader delivering ISFB
ISFB WikiLoader
2023-10-12TrendmicroTrend Micro Research
DarkGate Opens Organizations for Attack via Skype, Teams
2023-10-12SpamhausSpamhaus Malware Labs
Spamhaus Botnet Threat Update Q3 2023
FluBot AsyncRAT Ave Maria Cobalt Strike DCRat Havoc IcedID ISFB Nanocore RAT NjRAT QakBot Quasar RAT RecordBreaker RedLine Stealer Remcos Rhadamanthys Sliver Stealc Tofsee Vidar
2023-10-12NetresecErik Hjelmvik
Forensic Timeline of an IcedID Infection
Cobalt Strike IcedID IcedID Downloader
2023-10-12Cluster25Cluster25 Threat Intel Team
CVE-2023-38831 Exploited by Pro-Russia Hacking Groups in RU-UA Conflict Zone for Credential Harvesting Operations
Agent Tesla Crimson RAT Nanocore RAT SmokeLoader
2023-10-11MicrosoftAmir Kutcher, Charles-Edouard Bettan, Edan Zwick, Noam Hadash, Yair Tsarfaty
Automatic disruption of human-operated attacks through containment of compromised user accounts
Akira Akira
2023-10-11Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Threat Intelligence
Tweet on Storm-0062 exploiting CVE-2023-22515
2023-10-11DeformNarek Hakobyan
Hacker Group “Caracal Kitten” Targets KDP Activists With Malware
AhMyth Caracal Kitten
2023-10-10The RecordDaryna Antoniuk
Hacktivists take sides in Israel-Palestinian war
Sand Cat Group - Attacks on Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) Activists
MOrder RAT Caracal Kitten
Threat Actor deploys Mythic’s Athena Agent to target Russian Semiconductor Suppliers
2023-10-10SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Grayling: Previously Unseen Threat Actor Targets Multiple Organizations in Taiwan
Cobalt Strike Havoc MimiKatz Grayling
2023-10-10MandiantAdrian Hernandez, Austin Larsen, JEFF JOHNSON, Michael Barnhart, Michelle Cantos, Taylor Long
Assessed Cyber Structure and Alignments of North Korea in 2023
2023-10-10Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
How To Develop Yara Rules for .NET Malware Using IL ByteCodes
RedLine Stealer
Reflections of the Israel-Palestine Conflict on the Cyber World
2023-10-09LinkedIn (Shubhi Soral)Shubhi Soral
Cyber Criminals Using EvilProxy Phishing Kit To Target Senior Executives in U.S. Firms
2023-10-09FortinetCara Lin
IZ1H9 Campaign Enhances Its Arsenal with Scores of Exploits
2023-10-07CybereasonDerrick Masters
Taking Shortcuts: Using LNK files for initial infection and persistence