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2024-07-24Check Point ResearchAntonis Terefos
Stargazers Ghost Network
Atlantida Lumma Stealer RedLine Stealer Rhadamanthys RisePro Stargazer Goblin
2024-07-17SYGNIADor Nizar
The Return of Ghost Emperor’s Demodex
2024-05-22DARKReadingElizabeth Montalbano
Novel EDR-Killing 'GhostEngine' Malware Is Built for Stealth
2024-05-21ElasticAndrew Pease, Salim Bitam, Samir Bousseaden, Terrance DeJesus
Invisible miners: unveiling GHOSTENGINE’s crypto mining operations
Elastic Security - GhostEngine YARA Rule
Tweet Highlighting the Integration of GhostSocks Service into Lumma Stealer
2023-12-20ThreatMonKerime Gencay
GhostLocker Ransomware Analysis Report (Paywall)
2023-11-03UptycsShilpesh Trivedi, Uptycs Threat Research
GhostSec: From Fighting ISIS to Possibly Targeting Israel with RaaS
GhostLocker GhostSec
2023-10-27ElasticJoe Desimone, Salim Bitam
GHOSTPULSE haunts victims using defense evasion bag o' tricks
HijackLoader Lumma Stealer NetSupportManager RAT Rhadamanthys SectopRAT Vidar
2023-06-16SOC PrimeVeronika Telychko
PicassoLoader and Cobalt Strike Beacon Detection: UAC-0057 aka GhostWriter Hacking Group Attacks the Ukrainian Leading Military Educational Institution
Cobalt Strike PicassoLoader Ghostwriter
2023-04-13Intel 471Jorge Rodriguez, Souhail Hammou
From GhostNet to PseudoManuscrypt - The evolution of Gh0st RAT
BBSRAT Gh0stTimes Ghost RAT PseudoManuscrypt
2022-08-25SK ShieldusSK Shieldus
Ghost Ransomware Response and Attack Analysis Report
2022-07-19CERT PolandCERT Poland
Development of UNC1151/Ghostwriter attack techniques
2022-03-18Recorded FutureInsikt Group®
Ghostwriter in the Shell: Expanding on Mandiant’s Attribution of UNC1151 to Belarus
GhostWriter / UNC1151 adopts MicroBackdoor Variants in Cyber Operations against Ukraine
2022-02-28Bleeping ComputerSergiu Gatlan
Meta: Ukrainian officials, military targeted by Ghostwriter hackers
2022-02-28Bleeping ComputerSergiu Gatlan
Meta: Ukrainian officials, military targeted by Ghostwriter hackers
2022-02-25360 netlabGhost
Some details of the DDoS attacks targeting Ukraine and Russia in recent days
Bashlite Mirai MooBot PerlBot
RiskIQ: UNC1151/GhostWriter Phishing Attacks Target Ukrainian Soldiers
2022-02-25360 netlabGhost
Details of the DDoS attacks we have seen recently against Ukraine and Russia
Bashlite Mirai Mirai