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2025-03-07ProofpointOle Villadsen, Proofpoint Threat Research Team, Selena Larson
Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) Tooling Increasingly an Attacker’s First Choice
2024-08-29ProofpointPim Trouerbach, Selena Larson, Tommy Madjar
The Malware That Must Not Be Named: Suspected Espionage Campaign Delivers “Voldemort”
2024-04-10ProofpointSelena Larson, Tommy Madjar
Security Brief: TA547 Targets German Organizations with Rhadamanthys Stealer
2024-03-06ProofpointDusty Miller, Jake G, Selena Larson
TA4903: Actor Spoofs U.S. Government, Small Businesses in Phishing, BEC Bids
2024-03-04ProofpointKelsey Merriman, Selena Larson, Tommy Madjar
TA577’s Unusual Attack Chain Leads to NTLM Data Theft
2024-02-13ProofpointAxel F, Selena Larson
Bumblebee Buzzes Back in Black
2023-12-21ProofpointAxel F, Dusty Miller, Selena Larson, Tommy Madjar
BattleRoyal, DarkGate Cluster Spreads via Email and Fake Browser Updates
2023-12-12ProofpointKelsey Merriman, Selena Larson, Xavier Chambrier
Security Brief: TA4557 Targets Recruiters Directly via Email
More_eggs FIN6
2023-10-30ProofpointAxel F, Selena Larson
Security Brief: TA571 Delivers IcedID Forked Loader
2022-08-18ProofpointJoe Wise, Proofpoint Threat Research Team, Selena Larson
Reservations Requested: TA558 Targets Hospitality and Travel
AsyncRAT Loda NjRAT Ozone RAT Revenge RAT Vjw0rm
2022-07-21ProofpointBryan Campbell, Pim Trouerbach, Proofpoint Threat Research Team, Selena Larson
Buy, Sell, Steal, EvilNum Targets Cryptocurrency, Forex, Commodities
2022-03-21ProofpointAndrew Northern, Bryan Campbell, Selena Larson, Zachary Abzug
Serpent, No Swiping! New Backdoor Targets French Entities with Unique Attack Chain
2022-02-15ProofpointJoe Wise, Selena Larson
Charting TA2541's Flight
AsyncRAT TA2541
2021-12-07ProofpointJake G, Selena Larson
University Targeted Credential Phishing Campaigns Use COVID-19, Omicron Themes
2021-11-18ProofpointDarien Huss, Selena Larson
Triple Threat: North Korea-Aligned TA406 Steals, Scams and Spies
2021-11-18ProofpointDarien Huss, Selena Larson
Triple Threat: North Korea-Aligned TA406 Scams, Spies, and Steals
YoreKey TA406
2021-11-04ProofpointSam Scholten, Selena Larson, Timothy Kromphardt
Caught Beneath the Landline: A 411 on Telephone Oriented Attack Delivery
2021-10-28ProofpointAxel F, Selena Larson
TA575 Uses ‘Squid Game’ Lures to Distribute Dridex malware
DoppelDridex TA575
2021-10-27ProofpointJoe Wise, Selena Larson
New Threat Actor Spoofs Philippine Government, COVID-19 Health Data in Widespread RAT Campaigns
Nanocore RAT Remcos TA2722
2021-09-29ProofpointProofpoint Staff, Selena Larson
TA544 Targets Italian Organizations with Ursnif Malware
2021-07-19ProofpointJoe Wise, Konstantin Klinger, Proofpoint Threat Research Team, Selena Larson
New Threat Actor Uses Spanish Language Lures to Distribute Seldom Observed Bandook Malware
Bandook Caliente Bandits
2021-07-01ProofpointBryan Campbell, Selena Larson
Malware Masquerades as Privacy Tool
2021-06-29ProofpointDaniel Blackford, Selena Larson
Cobalt Strike: Favorite Tool from APT to Crimeware
Cobalt Strike
2021-06-17ProofpointDennis Schwarz, Konstantin Klinger, Selena Larson
New TA402 Molerats Malware Targets Governments in the Middle East
Molerat Loader
2021-06-16ProofpointDaniel Blackford, Garrett M. Graff, Selena Larson
The First Step: Initial Access Leads to Ransomware
BazarBackdoor Egregor IcedID Maze QakBot REvil Ryuk TrickBot WastedLocker TA570 TA575 TA577
2021-05-03ProofpointBryan Campbell, Kelsey Merriman, Proofpoint Threat Research Team, Selena Larson
New Variant of Buer Loader Written in Rust
2021-04-15ProofpointSelena Larson
Threat Actors Pair Tax-Themed Lures With COVID-19, Healthcare Themes
Dridex TrickBot
2020-12-16DragosCamille Singleton, IBM SECURITY X-FORCE, Selena Larson
Assessing Ransomware and Extortion Activities Impacting Industrial Organizations: Ransomware in ICS Environments
2020-12-10DragosCasey Brooks, Selena Larson
Open Source Intelligence