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2023-03-28MandiantDan Perez, Fred Plan, Jeffery Johnson, JOE DOBSON, Michael Barnhart, Van Ta
APT43: North Korean Group Uses Cybercrime to Fund Espionage Operations
2023-03-28MandiantDan Perez, Fred Plan, JEFF JOHNSON, JOE DOBSON, Michael Barnhart, Van Ta
APT43: North Korean Group Uses Cybercrime to Fund Espionage Operations
APT43 Kimsuky
2022-03-08MandiantDouglas Bienstock, Geoff Ackerman, John Wolfram, Rufus Brown, Van Ta
Does This Look Infected? A Summary of APT41 Targeting U.S. State Governments
2021-12-07MandiantJake Nicastro, Nick Richard, Rufus Brown, Van Ta
FIN13: A Cybercriminal Threat Actor Focused on Mexico
jspRAT win.rekoobe FIN13
2021-02-25MandiantBrendan McKeague, Bryce Abdo, Van Ta
So Unchill: Melting UNC2198 ICEDID to Ransomware Operations
IcedID TA2101
2021-02-25FireEyeBrendan McKeague, Bryce Abdo, Van Ta
So Unchill: Melting UNC2198 ICEDID to Ransomware Operations
MOUSEISLAND Cobalt Strike Egregor IcedID Maze SystemBC
2021-02-22FireEyeAndrew Moore, Genevieve Stark, Isif Ibrahima, Kimberly Goody, Van Ta
Cyber Criminals Exploit Accellion FTA for Data Theft and Extortion
2020-10-28Youtube (SANS Institute)Aaron Stephens, Katie Nickels, Van Ta
Spooky RYUKy: The Return of UNC1878 | SANS STAR Webcast
Ryuk UNC1878
2020-10-28Youtube (SANS Digital Forensics and Incident Response)Aaron Stephens, Katie Nickels, Van Ta
STAR Webcast: Spooky RYUKy: The Return of UNC1878
2020-03-31FireEyeAaron Stephens, Van Ta
It’s Your Money and They Want It Now - The Cycle of Adversary Pursuit
Ryuk TrickBot UNC1878
2019-04-05FireEyeAlex Pennino, Andrew Thompson, Ben Fedore, Brendan McKeague, Douglas Bienstock, Geoff Ackerman, Van Ta
Pick-Six: Intercepting a FIN6 Intrusion, an Actor Recently Tied to Ryuk and LockerGoga Ransomware
LockerGoga Ryuk FIN6