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2023-05-16CyberRaijuJai Minton
Remcos RAT - Malware Analysis Lab
2023-05-15Trend MicroJaromír Hořejší, Joseph C Chen
Water Orthrus's New Campaigns Deliver Rootkit and Phishing Modules
CopperStealth CopperStealer Water Orthrus
2023-05-15Metabase QGerardo Corona, Julio Vidal
Botnet Fenix: New botnet going after tax payers in Mexico and Chile
Hypervisor Jackpotting, Part 3: Lack of Antivirus Support Opens the Door to Adversary Attacks
BlackCat SystemBC
2023-05-15AhnLabAhnLab ASEC Analysis Team
LokiLocker, a Ransomware Similar to BlackBit Being Distributed in Korea
2023-05-15SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Lancefly: Group Uses Custom Backdoor to Target Orgs in Government, Aviation, Other Sectors
Merdoor PlugX ShadowPad ZXShell Lancefly
Quasar Rat Analysis - Identification of 64 Quasar Servers Using Shodan and Censys
Quasar RAT
2023-05-14unfinished.bikeThomas Strömberg
Fun with the new bpfdoor (2023)
2023-05-14MediumDenshi Yūrei
Silent Echoes: The Hidden Dialogue among Malware Entities — Spotlight on AMOS InfoStealer
AMOS Aurora Stealer TitanStealer
2023-05-13SekoiaJeremy Scion, Livia Tibirna, Pierre Le Bourhis, Sekoia TDR
Mallox affiliate leverages PureCrypter in MS-SQL exploitation campaigns
PureCrypter TargetCompany
2023-05-13Xitan LaboratoryABC123
Article 62: Summary of Vietnam Hailianhua APT’s Email Phishing Techniques and Tactics against Mainland China
2023-05-12YouTube (BSides Prishtina)Egxona Ferati, META
Automating Threat Detection and Response at Scale - Egxona Ferati
Evolution of KILLNET from Hacktivism to Private Hackers Company and the Role of Sub-groups
BlackSuit Ransomware Strikes Windows and Linux Users
BlackSuit BlackSuit
2023-05-12SecuronixDen Iyzvyk, Oleg Kolesnikov, Tim Peck
Ongoing MEME#4CHAN Attack/Phishing Campaign uses Meme-Filled Code to Drop XWorm Payloads
2023-05-11Bleeping ComputerBill Toulas
Stealthier version of Linux BPFDoor malware spotted in the wild
Malware development trick - part 28: Dump lsass.exe. Simple C++ example.
Cobalt Strike APT3 Keylogger
2023-05-10BitdefenderMartin Zugec
Deep Dive Into DownEx Espionage Operation in Central Asia
2023-05-10Github (MythicAgents)Cody Thomas
Github Repository for Nimplant
2023-05-10Github (MythicAgents)Cody Thomas
Github Repository for Poseidon
Poseidon Poseidon