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Nexus Android Trojan Analysis Report
Nexus S.O.V.A.
LummaC2 BreakDown
Lumma Stealer
2023-04-08Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Dcrat - Manual De-obfuscation of .NET Malware
2023-04-08Team CymruScott Fisher
Deriving Insight from Threat Actor Infrastructure
Malware AV/VM evasion - part 15: WinAPI GetModuleHandle implementation. Simple C++ example.
2023-04-08kienmanowar Blogm4n0w4r, Tran Trung Kien
[QuickNote] Uncovering Suspected Malware Distributed By Individuals from Vietnam
AsyncRAT DCRat WorldWind
2023-04-07ElasticSalim Bitam
Attack chain leads to XWORM and AGENTTESLA
Agent Tesla XWorm
2023-04-07MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Intelligence
MERCURY and DEV-1084: Destructive attack on hybrid environment
DarkBit Storm-1084
2023-04-06OALabsSergei Frankoff
PhotoLoader ICEDID
2023-04-06SpamhausRaashid Bhat
Neutralizing Tofsee Spambot – Part 3 | Network-based kill switch
2023-04-06SpamhausRaashid Bhat
Neutralizing Tofsee Spambot – Part 2 | InMemoryConfig store vaccine
2023-04-06SpamhausRaashid Bhat
Neutralizing Tofsee Spambot – Part 1 | Binary file vaccine
2023-04-05GoogleAdam Weidemann, Google Threat Analysis Group
How we’re protecting users from government-backed attacks from North Korea
2023-04-05velociraptorMatt Green
Automating Qakbot Decode At Scale
2023-04-05Outpost24Alberto Marín
Everything you need to know about the LummaC2 Stealer: Leveraging IDA Python and Unicorn to deobfuscate Windows API Hashing
Lumma Stealer
2023-04-05Medium IlanduIlan Duhin
PortDoor - APT Backdoor analysis
ACBackdoor 8.t Dropper PortDoor
2023-04-04Team CymruS2 Research Team, Team Cymru
A Blog with NoName
2023-04-04SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Mantis: New Tooling Used in Attacks Against Palestinian Targets
Arid Gopher Micropsia
2023-04-04Group-IBAndrey Zhdanov, Vladislav Azersky
The old way: BabLock, new ransomware quietly cruising around Europe, Middle East, and Asia
Rorschach Ransomware
2023-04-04Cisco TalosEdmund Brumaghin
Typhon Reborn V2: Updated stealer features enhanced anti-analysis and evasion capabilities
Typhon Stealer