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2022-11-29IBM X-Force ExchangeIBM IRIS
CargoBay BlackHat Backdoor Analysis Report (IRIS-14738)
2022-11-29Recorded FutureRecorded Future
Suspected Iran-Nexus TAG-56 Uses UAE Forum Lure for Credential Theft Against US Think Tank
2022-11-28Github (reecdeep)reecdeep
HiveV5 file decryptor PoC
Hive Hive
2022-11-28MandiantGeoff Ackerman, John Wolfram, Ryan Tomcik, Tommy Dacanay
Always Another Secret: Lifting the Haze on China-nexus Espionage in Southeast Asia
2022-11-28The DFIR ReportThe DFIR Report
Emotet Strikes Again – LNK File Leads to Domain Wide Ransomware
Emotet Mount Locker
2022-11-27SPURRiley Kilmer
Big Socks to Fill: Tracking the Next 911RE
2022-11-27SecurityScorecardVlad Pasca
A Technical Analysis of Royal Ransomware
Royal Ransom
Malware development tricks: part 24. ListPlanting. Simple C++ example.
2022-11-26BushidoToken BlogBushidoToken
Detecting and Fingerprinting Infostealer Malware-as-a-Service platforms
CollectorGoomba Misha TitanStealer
Analysis of APT-C-60 Attack on South Korea
Unidentified 100 (APT-Q-12)
2022-11-25Twitter (@ESETresearch)ESET Research
Twitter thread about RansomBoggs campaign against Ukraine
"In The Box" - Mobile Malware Webinjects Marketplace
Alien Cerberus Coper ERMAC Hydra
2022-11-25NL TimesNL Times
Russian hackers targeting Dutch gas terminal
2022-11-25Github (struppigel)Karsten Hahn
Python script to decode NightHawk strings
2022-11-24ExploitReversingAlexandre Borges
Malware Analysis Series (MAS): Article 6
Ave Maria
2022-11-24Twitter (@strinsert1Na)MigawariIV
Tweet on recent Bifrose activity
2022-11-23Twitter (@RedDrip7)RedDrip Team
Tweets about potential Lazarus sample
Unidentified 101 (Lazarus?)
2022-11-23Stranded on Pylos BlogJoe Slowik
Detailing Daily Domain Hunting
2022-11-23ESET ResearchLukáš Štefanko
Bahamut cybermercenary group targets Android users with fake VPN apps
2022-11-23CybereasonCybereason Global SOC Team
THREAT ALERT: Aggressive Qakbot Campaign and the Black Basta Ransomware Group Targeting U.S. Companies
Black Basta QakBot