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2022-09-13SymantecThreat Hunter Team
New Wave of Espionage Activity Targets Asian Governments
MimiKatz PlugX Quasar RAT ShadowPad Trochilus RAT
2022-09-13ProofpointAlexander Rausch, Joshua Miller, Kyle Eaton
Look What You Made Me Do: TA453 Uses Multi-Persona Impersonation to Capitalize on FOMO
2022-09-13AbnormalCrane Hassold
Back to School: BEC Group Targets Teachers with Payroll Diversion Attacks
2022-09-13AdvIntelAdvanced Intelligence
AdvIntel's State of Emotet aka "SpmTools" Displays Over Million Compromised Machines Through 2022
Conti Cobalt Strike Emotet Ryuk TrickBot
2022-09-13Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Jeff White
OriginLogger: A Look at Agent Tesla’s Successor
Agent Tesla OriginLogger
2022-09-13Sansec Threat ResearchSansec Threat Research Team
Magento vendor Fishpig hacked, backdoors added
2022-09-12Infosec WriteupsAaron Stratton
Raccoon Stealer v2 Malware Analysis
Raccoon RecordBreaker
2022-09-12Trend MicroNitesh Surana
Security Breaks: TeamTNT’s DockerHub Credentials Leak
2022-09-12VMRayPascal Brackmann
The evolution of GuLoader
2022-09-12Arctic WolfAlex Ammons, Arctic Wolf Labs Team, Markus Neis, Ross Phillips, Steven Campbell, Teresa Whitmore
Chiseling In: Lorenz Ransomware Group Cracks MiVoice And Calls Back For Free
Chisel Lorenz
2022-09-12d01aMohamed Adel
Raccoon Stealer V2 in depth Analysis
Raccoon RecordBreaker
2022-09-12The DFIR ReportThe DFIR Report
Dead or Alive? An Emotet Story
Cobalt Strike Emotet
2022-09-11Github (0xTriboulet)Steve S
Github Repository for Revenant
2022-09-11Github (HavocFramework)C5pider
Malware development: persistence - part 10. Using Image File Execution Options. Simple C++ example.
Realizziamo un C&C Server in Python (Bankshot)
2022-09-09Github (m4now4r)m4n0w4r
“Mustang Panda” – Enemy at the gate
2022-09-09ElasticSalim Bitam
BUGHATCH Malware Analysis
2022-09-09CofenseAndy Mann, Dylan Main
Lampion Trojan Utilizes New Delivery through Cloud-Based Sharing
2022-09-08Cisco TalosAsheer Malhotra, Jung soo An, Vitor Ventura
Lazarus and the tale of three RATs
MagicRAT MimiKatz VSingle YamaBot