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2022-05-06Github (foxkera)foxkera
Github Repository for Mineping
OFAC Sanctions Virtual Asset Mixer For the First Time to Combat North Korea’s Lazarus Group
2022-05-06CrowdStrikePaul-Danut Urian
macOS Malware Is More Reality Than Myth: Popular Threats and Challenges in Analysis
2022-05-06cybleCyble Research Labs
Rebranded Babuk Ransomware In Action: DarkAngels Ransomware Performs Targeted Attack
2022-05-06Mitchell's MusingsAiden Mitchell
Attempted AsyncRAT via .vbs
2022-05-06CrowdStrikePaul-Danut Urian
macOS Malware Is More Reality Than Myth: Popular Threats and Challenges in Analysis
EvilQuest FlashBack Shlayer XCSSET
2022-05-06NetskopeGustavo Palazolo
Emotet: New Delivery Mechanism to Bypass VBA Protection
2022-05-06Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Security Intelligence
Twitter Thread on initial infeciton of SocGholish/ FAKEUPDATES campaigns lead to BLISTER Loader, CobaltStrike, Lockbit and followed by Hands On Keyboard activity
FAKEUPDATES Blister Cobalt Strike LockBit
2022-05-06Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Chris Navarrete, Durgesh Sangvikar, Siddhart Shibiraj, Yanhui Jia, Yu Fu
Cobalt Strike Analysis and Tutorial: CS Metadata Encoding and Decoding
Cobalt Strike
2022-05-06KasperskyIgor Golovin
Mobile subscription Trojans and their little tricks
2022-05-06The Hacker NewsRavie Lakshmanan
This New Fileless Malware Hides Shellcode in Windows Event Logs
Cobalt Strike
2022-05-06LeMagITValéry Rieß-Marchive
Ransomware: LockBit 3.0 Starts Using in Cyberattacks
2022-05-05Cisco TalosAliza Berk, Asheer Malhotra, Jung soo An, Justin Thattil, Kendall McKay
Mustang Panda deploys a new wave of malware targeting Europe
Cobalt Strike Meterpreter PlugX PUBLOAD
2022-05-05Suspicious ActorAustin Hudson
Studying “Next Generation Malware” - NightHawk’s Attempt At Obfuscate and Sleep
2022-05-05DomainToolsDomainTools Research
A Sticky Situation Part 1: The Pervasive Nature of Credit Card Skimmers
2022-05-05BrightTALK (Mandiant)Christopher Gardner
The Sample: Beating the Malware Piñata
2022-05-05Youtube (Kaspersky)Denis Legezo
New secret stash for "fileless" malware
2022-05-05YouTube (The Vertex Project)Ryan Hallbeck
Contileaks: Identifying, Extracting, & Modeling Bitcoin Addresses
2022-05-05ElasticCyril François, Daniel Stepanic, Salim Bitam
2022-05-05Github (muha2xmad)Muhammad Hasan Ali
Analysis of MS Word to drop Remcos RAT | VBA extraction and analysis | IoCs