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2022-03-28Bleeping ComputerBill Toulas
Microsoft Exchange targeted for IcedID reply-chain hijacking attacks
2022-03-28CiscoAdela Jezkova, María José Erquiaga, Onur Erdogan
Emotet is Back
2022-03-28TrellixMarc Elias, Max Kersten
PlugX: A Talisman to Behold
2022-03-28Threadreader (@BillDemirkapi)Bill Demirkapi
New documents for the Okta breach
2022-03-28splunkSplunk Threat Research Team
Threat Update DoubleZero Destructor
2022-03-28The Hacker NewsRavie Lakshmanan
'Purple Fox' Hackers Spotted Using New Variant of FatalRAT in Recent Malware Attacks
DirtyMoe FatalRat PurpleFox
2022-03-28Cyber Geeks (CyberMasterV)Vlad Pasca
A Step-by-Step Analysis of the Russian APT Turla Backdoor called TinyTurla
2022-03-28Bleeping ComputerBill Toulas
SunCrypt ransomware is still alive and kicking in 2022
2022-03-28Minerva LabsNatalie Zargarov
SunCrypt Ransomware Gains New Capabilities in 2022
2022-03-27Github (0x00-0x7f)Sadia Bashir
A Case of Vidar Infostealer - Part 1 (Unpacking)
Conti ransomware source code investigation - part 1
2022-03-27Medium M3H51NM3H51N
Malware Analysis — NanoCore Rat
Nanocore RAT
2022-03-27Bleeping ComputerLawrence Abrams
Hive ransomware ports its Linux VMware ESXi encryptor to Rust
BlackCat Hive Hive
2022-03-26forensicitguyTony Lambert
An AgentTesla Sample Using VBA Macros and Certutil
Agent Tesla
2022-03-26n0p BlogAli Mosajjal
Analysis of a Caddy Wiper Sample Targeting Ukraine
2022-03-25Trend MicroAbdelrhman Sharshar, Jay Yaneza, Sherif Magdy
Purple Fox Uses New Arrival Vector and Improves Malware Arsenal
FatalRat PurpleFox
2022-03-25TrustwaveTrustwave SpiderLabs
Cyber Attackers Leverage Russia-Ukraine Conflict in Multiple Spam Campaigns
2022-03-25GOV.UAState Service of Special Communication and Information Protection of Ukraine (CIP)
Who is behind the Cyberattacks on Ukraine's Critical Information Infrastructure: Statistics for March 15-22
Xloader Agent Tesla CaddyWiper Cobalt Strike DoubleZero GraphSteel GrimPlant HeaderTip HermeticWiper IsaacWiper MicroBackdoor Pandora RAT
2022-03-25Github (@swagkarna)
Rafel Rat GitHub repository
Rafel RAT
2022-03-25DragosConor McLaren, Dragos
How Dragos Activity Groups Obtain Initial Access into Industrial Environments