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2021-08-22Malware and StuffAndreas Klopsch
PEB: Where Magic Is Stored
2021-08-06Sophos Naked SecurityPaul Ducklin
Conti ransomware affiliate goes rogue, leaks “gang data”
2021-08-03Twitter (@ValthekOn)Valthek
Tweet on blacklisted extensions & names of BlackMatter ransomware making the check against custom hashes values
2021-08-02Youtube (Forschungsinstitut Cyber Defense)Alexander Rausch, Konstantin Klinger
The CODE 2021: Workshop presentation and demonstration about CobaltStrike
Cobalt Strike
2021-07-19ProofpointJoe Wise, Konstantin Klinger, Proofpoint Threat Research Team, Selena Larson
New Threat Actor Uses Spanish Language Lures to Distribute Seldom Observed Bandook Malware
Bandook Caliente Bandits
2021-06-22DarktraceOakley Cox
Crypto-mining on a DNS server
2021-06-17IntezerRyan Robinson
Klingon RAT Holding on for Dear Life
2021-06-17ProofpointDennis Schwarz, Konstantin Klinger, Selena Larson
New TA402 Molerats Malware Targets Governments in the Middle East
Molerat Loader
Apostle Ransomware Analysis
2021-05-19Nozomi NetworksAlexey Kleymenov
Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack: Revealing How DarkSide Works
2021-04-16Trend MicroAriel Neimond Lazaro, Dechao Zhao, Luis Magisa, Steven Du
XCSSET Quickly Adapts to macOS 11 and M1-based Macs
2021-04-16Trend MicroAriel Neimond Lazaro, Dechao Zhao, Luis Magisa, Steven Du
XCSSET Quickly Adapts to macOS 11 and M1-based Macs
2021-04-16Trend MicroAriel Neimond Lazaro, Dechao Zhao, Luis Magisa, Steven Du
XCSSET Quickly Adapts to macOS 11 and M1-based Macs
2021-04-16Trend MicroAriel Neimond Lazaro, Dechao Zhao, Luis Magisa, Steven Du
XCSSET Quickly Adapts to macOS 11 and M1-based Macs
2021-03-09360 netlabJiaYu
Threat Alert: z0Miner Is Spreading quickly by Exploiting ElasticSearch and Jenkins Vulnerabilities
2021-02-22AdvIntelBeatriz Pimenta Klein
Economic Growth, Digital Inclusion, & Specialized Crime: Financial Cyber Fraud in LATAM
BRATA Mekotio Metamorfo Ploutus ATM VictoryGate
2021-02-08Medium kurtikleitonkleiton0x7e
Evade EDR with Shellcode Injection and gain persistence using Registry Run Keys
2021-01-26FireEyeBernard Sapaden, Mohammed Mohsin Dalla, Rahul Mohandas, Sachin Shukla, Srini Seethapathy, Sujnani Ravindra
Phishing Campaign Leverages WOFF Obfuscation and Telegram Channels for Communication
2021-01-24malwareandstuff blogAndreas Klopsch
Catching Debuggers with Section Hashing
2021-01-24evotecPrzemyslaw Klys
The only command you will ever need to understand and fix your Group Policies (GPO)