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2021-11-05Twitter (@Unit42_Intel)Unit 42
Tweet on TA551 (Shathak) BazarLoader infection with CobaltStrike and DarkVNC drops
BazarBackdoor Cobalt Strike
2021-11-05Emanuele De Lucia on SecurityEmanuele De Lucia
The BigBoss Rules: Something about one of the Uroburos’ RPC-based backdoors
Turla SilentMoon
2021-11-05Twitter (@inversecos)inversecos
TTPs used by Pysa Ransonmware group
Mespinoza MimiKatz
2021-11-05ZscalerDennis Schwarz
Spike in DanaBot Malware Activity
2021-11-05Trend MicroChristopher Boyton
A Review and Analysis of 2021 Buer Loader Campaigns
2021-11-05BlackberryThe BlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team
Hunter Becomes Hunted: Zebra2104 Hides a Herd of Malware
Cobalt Strike DoppelDridex Mount Locker Phobos StrongPity
2021-11-05Trend MicroChristopher Boyton
An Analysis of Buer Loader
2021-11-05Department of JusticeDepartment of Justice
Jury Convicts Chinese Intelligence Officer of Espionage Crimes, Attempting to Steal Trade Secrets (Yanjun Xu)
2021-11-04Youtube (Virus Bulletin)Joey Chen, Yi-Jhen Hsieh
ShadowPad: the masterpiece of privately sold malware in Chinese espionage
PlugX ShadowPad
2021-11-04Security Service of UkraineSecurity Service of Ukraine
Gamaredon / Armageddon Group: FSB RF Cyber attacks against Ukraine
EvilGnome Pteranodon RMS
2021-11-04Deep instinctShaul Vilkomir-Preisman
Understanding the Windows JavaScript Threat Landscape
STRRAT Griffon BlackByte Houdini Vjw0rm FIN7
MalwareBazaar Report for Misha sample
2021-11-04The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
Google fixes Android zero-day exploited in the wild in targeted attacks (CVE-2021-1048)
2021-11-04Speakedeck (ptswarm)Alexei Stennikov, Vladimir Konovich
Blackboxing Diebold-Nixdorf ATMs
2021-11-04Council on Foreign RelationsLauren A. Kahn, Michael C. Horowitz
DoD's 2021 China Military Power Report: How Advances in AI and Emerging Technologies Will Shape China’s Military
2021-11-04NSHC RedAlert LabsRed Alert
Threat Actor targeted attack against Finance and Investment industry
2021-11-04Security Service of UkraineSecurity Service of Ukraine
SSU identified FSB hackers who carried out more than 5,000 cyberattacks on state bodies of Ukraine (video)
2021-11-04ProofpointSam Scholten, Selena Larson, Timothy Kromphardt
Caught Beneath the Landline: A 411 on Telephone Oriented Attack Delivery
2021-11-04FortinetXiaopeng Zhang
Deep Dive into a Fresh Variant of Snake Keylogger Malware
404 Keylogger
2021-11-04CrowdStrikeEric Loui, Josh Reynolds
CARBON SPIDER Embraces Big Game Hunting, Part 2
BlackMatter Griffon BlackMatter DarkSide HiddenTear JSSLoader