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2021-10-25Національної поліції УкраїниНаціональна поліція України
Ukrainian law enforcement officers blocked the activities of members of an international transnational hacker group
2021-10-25CrowdStrikeFalcon OverWatch Team
OverWatch Elite In Action: Prompt Call Escalation Proves Vital to Containing Attack
2021-10-25CrowdStrikeMihai Maganu
WebAssembly Is Abused by eCriminals to Hide Malware
2021-10-25AvastJakub Vávra
UltimaSMS: A widespread premium SMS scam on the Google Play Store
2021-10-25laceworkLacework Labs
TeamTNT Continues to Target Exposed Docker API
2021-10-25MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC)
NOBELIUM targeting delegated administrative privileges to facilitate broader attacks
Digital banking fraud: how the Gozi malware works
2021-10-24MicrosoftTom Burt
New activity from Russian actor Nobelium
2021-10-24SophosSean Gallagher
Node poisoning: hijacked package delivers coin miner and credential-stealing backdoor
DanaBot Monero Miner
2021-10-24CitizenLabBahr Abdul Razzak, Bill Marczak, John Scott-Railton, Ron Deibert, Siena Anstis
Breaking the News New York Times Journalist Ben Hubbard Hacked with Pegasus after Reporting on Previous Hacking Attempts
2021-10-23Cado SecurityCado Security
Links to Previous Attacks in UAParserJS Compromise
2021-10-22AmazonAdam Palmer, Nick Coval
Building an open source IDS/IPS service on AWS with Suricata
2021-10-22ZscalerAmandeep Kumar, Stuti Chaturvedi
New MultiloginBot Phishing Campaign
2021-10-22EllipticElliptic Intel
DarkSide bitcoins on the move following government cyberattack against REvil ransomware group
BlackMatter DarkSide BlackMatter DarkSide
2021-10-22The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
DarkSide ransomware gang moves some of its Bitcoin after REvil got hit by law enforcement
BlackMatter DarkSide BlackMatter DarkSide
2021-10-22Bleeping ComputerIonut Ilascu
DarkSide ransomware rushes to cash out $7 million in Bitcoin
BlackMatter DarkSide BlackMatter DarkSide
2021-10-22Twitter (@GelosSnake)Omri Segev Moyal
Tweet on List of wallets used by Darkside/Blackmatter Operator to split out the money
BlackMatter DarkSide BlackMatter DarkSide
2021-10-22Huntress LabsCaleb Stewart
Threat Advisory: Hackers Are Exploiting a Vulnerability in Popular Billing Software to Deploy Ransomware
2021-10-22HUNT & HACKETTKrijn de Mik
Advanced IP Scanner: the preferred scanner in the A(P)T toolbox
Conti DarkSide Dharma Egregor Hades REvil Ryuk
“Page Not Found”: REvil Darknet Services Offline After Attack Last Weekend
REvil REvil