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2022-03-22Rewterz Information SecurityRewterz Information Security
Russian-Ukrainian Cyber Warfare – Rewterz Threat Intelligence Rollup
2022-03-22360 Threat Intelligence Center360 Threat Intelligence Center
Quantum Attack System – NSA "APT-C-40" Hacking Organization High-end Cyber Attack Weapon Technical Analysis Report (I)
2022-03-22Red CanaryRed Canary
2022 Threat Detection Report
FAKEUPDATES Silver Sparrow BazarBackdoor Cobalt Strike GootKit Yellow Cockatoo RAT
2022-03-21eSentireeSentire Threat Response Unit (TRU)
Conti Affiliate Exposed: New Domain Names, IP Addresses and Email Addresses Uncovered
HelloKitty BazarBackdoor Cobalt Strike Conti FiveHands HelloKitty IcedID
eSentire Threat Intelligence Malware Analysis: HermeticWiper & PartyTicket
HermeticWiper PartyTicket
2022-03-21Threat PostLisa Vaas
Conti Ransomware V. 3, Including Decryptor, Leaked
Cobalt Strike Conti TrickBot
2022-03-21Threat PostTara Seals
Facestealer Trojan Hidden in Google Play Plunders Facebook Accounts
2022-03-18eSentireeSentire Threat Response Unit (TRU)
Analysis of Leaked Conti Intrusion Procedures by eSentire’s Threat Response Unit (TRU)
Conti Conti
2022-03-18MalwarebytesThreat Intelligence Team
Double header: IsaacWiper and CaddyWiper
CaddyWiper IsaacWiper
2022-03-17SophosTilly Travers
The Ransomware Threat Intelligence Center
ATOMSILO Avaddon AvosLocker BlackKingdom Ransomware BlackMatter Conti Cring DarkSide dearcry Dharma Egregor Entropy Epsilon Red Gandcrab Karma LockBit LockFile Mailto Maze Nefilim RagnarLocker Ragnarok REvil RobinHood Ryuk SamSam Snatch WannaCryptor WastedLocker
2022-03-17BlackberryBlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team
Threat Thursday: HermeticWiper Targets Defense Sectors in Ukraine
2022-03-17GoogleBenoit Sevens, Google Threat Analysis Group, Vladislav Stolyarov
Exposing initial access broker with ties to Conti
BazarBackdoor BumbleBee Cobalt Strike Conti
2022-03-16SymantecSymantec Threat Hunter Team
The Ransomware Threat Landscape: What to Expect in 2022
AvosLocker BlackCat BlackMatter Conti DarkSide DoppelPaymer Emotet Hive Karma Mespinoza Nemty Squirrelwaffle VegaLocker WastedLocker Yanluowang Zeppelin
2022-03-16MicrosoftMicrosoft Defender for IoT Research Team, Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC)
Uncovering Trickbot’s use of IoT devices in command-and-control infrastructure
2022-03-15Recorded FutureInsikt Group®
2021 Malware and TTP Threat Landscape
2022-03-15CiscoCisco Talos
Threat Advisory: CaddyWiper
2022-03-15SentinelOneAmitai Ben Shushan Ehrlich
Threat Actor UAC-0056 Targeting Ukraine with Fake Translation Software
Cobalt Strike GraphSteel GrimPlant SaintBear
2022-03-14CrowdStrikeFalcon OverWatch Team
Falcon OverWatch Threat Hunting Uncovers Ongoing NIGHT SPIDER Zloader Campaign
2022-03-11VaronisEric Saraga
Is this SID taken? Varonis Threat Labs Discovers Synthetic SID Injection Attack
2022-03-10BlackberryThe BlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team
Threat Thursday: CryptBot Infostealer Masquerades as Cracked Software