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2021-06-28Konrad Adenauer StiftungStefan Soesanto
Outward Defense: Comparing the Cyber Defense Postures of Japan, the Netherlands and the United States in Peace Time
Binance Helps Take Down Cybercriminal Ring Laundering $500M in Ransomware Attacks
2021-06-23Intel 471Greg Otto
Cybercriminals shop around for schemes targeting retail
2021-06-22ABC NewsThe Associated Press
Polish intelligence agencies link cyberattack to Russia (UNC1151)
2021-06-21Medium gabrielcurrieGabriel Currie
Ready for (nearly) anything: Five things to prepare for a cyber security incident
2021-06-19NATONATO Strategic CommunicationsCentre of Excellence
Russia's Strategy in Cyberspace
2021-06-18YouTube (jnpc)Twitter (@yarai1978), Yuu Arai
"Cyber ​​Security" Yu Arai, NTT DATA Executive Security Analyst
2021-06-16Національної поліції УкраїниНаціональна поліція України
Cyberpolice exposes hacker group in spreading encryption virus and causing half a billion dollars in damage to foreign companies
Clop Cobalt Strike FlawedAmmyy
2021-06-15Silent PushSilent Push
Infra-Tagging -a new tool in Cyber Threat Intelligence
Avoiding Civilian Harm from Military Cyber Operations during Armed Conflicts
2021-06-14CYBER GEEKS All Things InfosecCyberMasterV
A Step-by-Step Analysis of a New Version of DarkSide Ransomware
2021-06-14AlienVaultFernando Martinez
Malware hosting domain Cyberium fanning out Mirai variants
2021-06-11The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
Cybercrime Featured Avaddon ransomware operation shuts down and releases decryption keys
2021-06-10McAfeeATR Operational Intelligence Team
Are Virtual Machines the New Gold for Cyber Criminals?
Babuk DarkSide
2021-06-08Intel 471Intel 471
The blurry boundaries between nation-state actors and the cybercrime underground
Dridex Gameover P2P
2021-06-04Security Service of UkraineSecurity Service of Ukraine
The SBU blocked a mass cyberattack by Russian special services on the computer networks of the Ukrainian authorities
2021-06-04Department of JusticeOffice of Public Affairs
Latvian National Charged for Alleged Role in Transnational Cybercrime Organization
2021-06-02Bleeping ComputerLawrence Abrams
FBI: REvil cybergang behind the JBS ransomware attack
2021-06-01CyberScoopSean Lyngaas
Ex-US ambassador, anti-corruption activists in Ukraine were targets of suspected Russian phishing
Apostle Ransomware Analysis