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2021-06-15NCC GroupMichael Matthews, NCC RIFT, William Backhouse
Handy guide to a new Fivehands ransomware variant
2021-06-14Marco Ramilli's BlogMarco Ramilli
The Allegedly Ryuk Ransomware builder: #RyukJoke
2021-06-14CYBER GEEKS All Things InfosecCyberMasterV
A Step-by-Step Analysis of a New Version of DarkSide Ransomware
DarkSide Helme
Introducing Script Watch: Detect Magecart style attacks, fast!
2021-06-14The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
G7 calls on Russia to crack down on ransomware gangs
2021-06-14nccgroupFox-IT Data Science Team, NCCGroup
Incremental Machine Learning by Example: Detecting Suspicious Activity with Zeek Data Streams, River, and JA3 Hashes
2021-06-14AlienVaultFernando Martinez
Malware hosting domain Cyberium fanning out Mirai variants
2021-06-14Blaze's Security BlogBartBlaze
Digital artists targeted in RedLine infostealer campaign
RedLine Stealer
2021-06-14MicrosoftMicrosoft 365 Defender Research Team, Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC)
Behind the scenes of business email compromise: Using cross-domain threat data to disrupt a large BEC campaign
2021-06-14The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
Apple patches two iOS zero-days in old-gen devices
Blue Team Detection: DarkSide Ransomware
2021-06-13Twitter (@alberto__segura)Alberto Segura
Tweet on Flubot version 4.6
2021-06-12Twitter (@AltShiftPrtScn)Peter Mackenzie
A thread on RagnarLocker ransomware group's TTP seen in an Incident Response
Cobalt Strike RagnarLocker
2021-06-12YouTube (BSidesBoulder)Kaspersky, Kurt Baumgartner
Same and Different - sesame street level attribution
2021-06-11TEAMT5Linda Kuo, Zih-Cing Liao
Story of the ‘Phisherman’ -Dissecting Phishing Techniques of CloudDragon APT (slides)
Appleseed BabyShark
2021-06-11YouTube (Hack In The Box Security Conference)Linda Kuo, Zih-Cing Liao
Dissecting Phishing Techniques Of CloudDragon APT
Appleseed BabyShark
2021-06-11TencentThe Tencent Security Threat Intelligence Center
Tencent Security Report: Purple Fox virus maliciously attacks SQL server and spreads like a worm
2021-06-11Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Security Intelligence
Tweet on solarmarker/Jupyter malware
2021-06-11The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
Cybercrime Featured Avaddon ransomware operation shuts down and releases decryption keys
2021-06-11Bleeping ComputerLawrence Abrams
Avaddon ransomware shuts down and releases decryption keys