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2022-05-04Twitter (@ESETresearch)Twitter (@ESETresearch)
Twitter thread on code similarity analysis, focussing on IsaacWiper and recent Cluster25 publication
The Strange Link Between A Destructive Malware And A Ransomware-Gang Linked Custom Loader: IsaacWiper Vs Vatet
Cobalt Strike IsaacWiper PyXie
2022-05-02Trend MicroAlvin Nieto, Christoper Ordonez
AvosLocker Ransomware Variant Abuses Driver File to Disable Anti-Virus, Scans for Log4shell
2022-04-27CISAAustralian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS), CISA, FBI, New Zealand National Cyber Security Centre (NZ NCSC), NSA, United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC-UK)
Alert (AA22-117A) 2021 Top Routinely Exploited Vulnerabilities
TraderTraitor: North Korean State-Sponsored APT Targets Blockchain Companies
Bankshot TraderTraitor
Alert (AA22-110A): Russian State-Sponsored and Criminal Cyber Threats to Critical Infrastructure
VPNFilter BlackEnergy DanaBot DoppelDridex Emotet EternalPetya GoldMax Industroyer Sality SmokeLoader TrickBot Triton Zloader Killnet
2022-04-20CISAAustralian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS), CISA, FBI, Government Communications Security Bureau, National Crime Agency (NCA), NCSC UK, NSA
AA22-110A Joint CSA: Russian State-Sponsored and Criminal Cyber Threats to Critical Infrastructure
VPNFilter BlackEnergy DanaBot DoppelDridex Emotet EternalPetya GoldMax Industroyer Sality SmokeLoader TrickBot Triton Zloader
2022-04-18CISACISA, FBI, U.S. Department of the Treasury
Alert (AA22-108A): TraderTraitor: North Korean State-Sponsored APT Targets Blockchain Companies
2022-04-18CISACISA, FBI, U.S. Department of the Treasury
AA22-108A: TraderTraitor: North Korean State-Sponsored APT Targets Blockchain Companies (PDF)
FastCash Bankshot
2022-04-14Group-IBIvan Pisarev
Old Gremlins, new methods
TinyFluff OldGremlin
2022-04-14Group-IBIvan Pisarev
Old Gremlins, new methods
2022-04-13CISA, Department of Energy (DOE), FBI, NSA
APT Cyber Tools Targeting ICS/SCADA Devices
2022-04-13MicrosoftMicrosoft 365 Defender Threat Intelligence Team
Dismantling ZLoader: How malicious ads led to disabled security tools and ransomware
BlackMatter Cobalt Strike DarkSide Ryuk Zloader
Alert (AA22-103A) APT Cyber Tools Targeting ICS/SCADA Devices
2022-04-11Bleeping ComputerSergiu Gatlan
CISA warns orgs of WatchGuard bug exploited by Russian state hackers
2022-03-24Recorded FutureInsikt Group®
IsaacWiper Continues Trend of Wiper Attacks Against Ukraine
Alert (AA22-083A) Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures of Indicted State-Sponsored Russian Cyber Actors Targeting the Energy Sector
Havex RAT Triton
2022-03-24Recorded FutureInsikt Group
IsaacWiper Continues Trend of Wiper Attacks Against Ukraine
2022-03-21Threat PostLisa Vaas
Conti Ransomware V. 3, Including Decryptor, Leaked
Cobalt Strike Conti TrickBot
2022-03-18MalwarebytesThreat Intelligence Team
Double header: IsaacWiper and CaddyWiper
CaddyWiper IsaacWiper