aix.fastcash (Back to overview)


Actor(s): Lazarus Group

There is no description at this point.

FASTCash for Linux
2022-04-18CISACISA, FBI, U.S. Department of the Treasury
AA22-108A: TraderTraitor: North Korean State-Sponsored APT Targets Blockchain Companies (PDF)
FastCash Bankshot
2021-02-26YouTube (Black Hat)Kevin Perlow
FASTCash and INJX_Pure: How Threat Actors Use Public Standards for Financial Fraud
2020-12-09CrowdStrikeJason Rivera, Josh Burgess
From Zero to SixtyThe Story of North Korea’s Rapid Ascent to Becoming a Global Cyber Superpower
FastCash Hermes WannaCryptor
2020-08-26CISACISA, FBI, U.S. Cyber Command, U.S. Department of the Treasury
Alert (AA20-239A): FASTCash 2.0: North Korea's BeagleBoyz Robbing Banks
2020-08-05BlackHatKevin Perlow
FASTCash and Associated Intrusion Techniques
2020-08-05BlackHatKevin Perlow
FASTCashand INJX_PURE: How Threat Actors Use Public Standards for Financial Fraud
2020-02-25RSA ConferenceJoel DeCapua
Feds Fighting Ransomware: How the FBI Investigates and How You Can Help
FastCash Cerber Defray Dharma FriedEx Gandcrab GlobeImposter Mamba Phobos Rapid Ransom REvil Ryuk SamSam Zeus
The Lazarus Constellation A study on North Korean malware
FastCash AppleJeus BADCALL Bankshot Brambul Dtrack Duuzer DYEPACK ELECTRICFISH HARDRAIN Hermes HOPLIGHT Joanap KEYMARBLE Kimsuky MimiKatz MyDoom NACHOCHEESE NavRAT PowerRatankba RokRAT Sierra(Alfa,Bravo, ...) Volgmer WannaCryptor
2019-05-30Talos IntelligenceVanja Svajcer
10 years of virtual dynamite: A high-level retrospective of ATM malware
FastCash Project Alice Cutlet Ploutus ATM Skimer Tyupkin
2019-01-23NSHC RedAlert LabsThreatRecon Team
SectorA01 Custom Proxy Utility Tool Analysis
2018-12-31Github RepositoryFrank Boldewin
2018-11-08SymantecCritical Attack Discovery and Intelligence Team
FASTCash: How the Lazarus Group is Emptying Millions from ATMs
FastCash Lazarus Group
2018-11-08SymantecSecurity Response Attack Investigation Team
FASTCash: How the Lazarus Group is Emptying Millions from ATMs
FastCash Lazarus Group
Alert (TA18-275A) HIDDEN COBRA: FASTCash Campaign
2018-10-02CISADepartment of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of the Treasury (Treasury), FBI
Alert (TA18-275A): HIDDEN COBRA – FASTCash Campaign
Yara Rules
[TLP:WHITE] aix_fastcash_w0 (20181219 | HIDDEN COBRA AIX FastCash process injection tool)
rule aix_fastcash_w0 {
    author = "Paul Melson @pmelson"
    description = "HIDDEN COBRA AIX FastCash process injection tool"
    reference = ""
    reference = ""
    hash = "d465637518024262c063f4a82d799a4e40ff3381014972f24ea18bc23c3b27ee"
    malpedia_reference = ""
    malpedia_version = "20181219"
    malpedia_license = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0"
    malpedia_sharing = "TLP:WHITE"
    $file_eng64 = "/tmp/.ICE-unix/TMPENG%X.dat"
    $file_config = "/tmp/.ICE-unix/config_%d"
    $file_dumpfile = "/tmp/.ICE-unix/DUMP%X.dat"
    $msg0 = "[proc_writememory] ret=%d, err=%d(%s), addr=%p, len=%d, data=%p"
    $msg1 = "[main] Inject Start"
    $msg2 = "[main] SAVE REGISTRY"
    $msg3 = "[main] proc_readmemory fail"
    $msg4 = "[main] Exec func(%llX) OK"
    $msg5 = "[main] Exec func(%llX) fail ret=%X"
    $msg6 = "[main] Inject OK(%llX)"
    $msg7 = "[main] Inject fail ret=%llX"
    $msg8 = "[main] Eject OK"
    $msg9 = "[main] Eject fail ret=%llX"
    $symbol00 = "_GLOBAL__FI_eng64"
    $symbol01 = "_GLOBAL__FD_eng64"
    $symbol02 = "proc_attach"
    $symbol03 = "proc_detach"
    $symbol04 = "proc_continue"
    $symbol05 = "proc_wait"
    $symbol06 = "proc_fault"
    $symbol07 = "proc_getregs"
    $symbol08 = "proc_setregs"
    $symbol09 = "proc_readmemory"
    $symbol10 = "proc_writememory"
    $symbol11 = "inject"
    $symbol12 = "_$STATIC"
    $source0 = "/tmp//cchXKsHV.c"
    $source1 = "/tmp/tmp/eng64.c"
    uint16(0) == 0xf701 and (all of ($file*) or all of ($msg*) or all of ($symbol*) or all of ($source*))
[TLP:WHITE] aix_fastcash_w1 (20181219 | HIDDEN COBRA AIX FastCash ISO8583 module (may not be malicious, low attribution confidence))
rule aix_fastcash_w1 {
    author = "Paul Melson @pmelson"
    description = "HIDDEN COBRA AIX FastCash ISO8583 module (may not be malicious, low attribution confidence)"
    reference = ""
    reference = ""
    hash = "3a5ba44f140821849de2d82d5a137c3bb5a736130dddb86b296d94e6b421594c"
    hash = "ca9ab48d293cc84092e8db8f0ca99cb155b30c61d32a1da7cd3687de454fe86c"
    hash = "10ac312c8dd02e417dd24d53c99525c29d74dcbc84730351ad7a4e0a4b1a0eba"
    malpedia_reference = ""
    malpedia_version = "20181219"
    malpedia_license = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0"
    malpedia_sharing = "TLP:WHITE"
    $symbol0 = "msg_to_file"
    $symbol1 = "msg_to_file_recv"
    $symbol2 = "msg_to_file_send"
    $symbol3 = "DetourInitFunc"
    $symbol4 = "DetourAttach"
    $symbol5 = "DetourDetach"
    $symbol6 = "CheckPan"
    $symbol7 = "BlacklistCheck"
    $aschex0 = "DL_ASCHEX_TO_UINT32"
    $aschex1 = "DL_UINT32_TO_ASCHEX"
    $aschex2 = "_pack_iso_ASCHEX"
    $aschex3 = "_unpack_iso_ASCHEX"
    $iso00 = "DL_ISO8583_MSG_Init"
    $iso01 = "DL_ISO8583_MSG_Free"
    $iso02 = "DL_ISO8583_MSG_SetField_Str"
    $iso03 = "DL_ISO8583_MSG_SetField_Bin"
    $iso04 = "DL_ISO8583_MSG_RemoveField"
    $iso05 = "DL_ISO8583_MSG_HaveField"
    $iso06 = "DL_ISO8583_MSG_GetField_Str"
    $iso07 = "DL_ISO8583_MSG_GetField_Bin"
    $iso08 = "DL_ISO8583_MSG_Pack"
    $iso09 = "DL_ISO8583_MSG_Unpack"
    $iso10 = "_DL_ISO8583_MSG_AllocField"
    $iso11 = "DL_ISO8583_COMMON_SetHandler"
    $iso12 = "DL_ISO8583_DEFS_1987_GetHandler"
    $iso13 = "DL_ISO8583_DEFS_1993_GetHandler"
    $iso14 = "_DL_ISO8583_FIELD_Pack"
    $iso15 = "_DL_ISO8583_FIELD_Unpack"
    $iso16 = "DL_ISO8583_MSG_Dump"
    $iso17 = "_iso8583_1987_fields"
    $iso18 = "_iso8583_1993_fields"
    uint16(0) == 0xf701 and (all of ($symbol*) or all of ($aschex*) or all of ($iso*))
[TLP:WHITE] aix_fastcash_w2 (20181219 | HIDDEN COBRA AIX FastCash pvpa binary (may not be malicious, low attribution confidence))
rule aix_fastcash_w2 {
    author = "Paul Melson @pmelson"
    description = "HIDDEN COBRA AIX FastCash pvpa binary (may not be malicious, low attribution confidence)"
    reference = ""
    reference = ""
    hash = "f3e521996c85c0cdb2bfb3a0fd91eb03e25ba6feef2ba3a1da844f1b17278dd2"
    malpedia_reference = ""
    malpedia_version = "20181219"
    malpedia_license = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0"
    malpedia_sharing = "TLP:WHITE"
    $symbol_static = { 00 5f 24 53 54 41 54 49 43 00 }
    $symbol_pvpa = { 00 00 00 00 70 76 70 61 00 00 00 00 }
    $symbol_get_pvpa = { 00 2e 67 65 74 5f 70 76 70 61 00 }
    $symbol_get_posn = { 00 2e 73 65 74 5f 70 6f 73 6e 00 }
    $symbol_init_pvpa = { 00 2e 69 6e 69 74 5f 70 76 70 61 00 }
    $string0 = "/dev/mem"
    $string1 = "set_posn"
    $string2 = "get_pvpa"
    $string3 = "init_pvpa"
    $string4 = "high_cpuid=%d"
    $string5 = "open kernel mem"
    $string6 = "cpu %d, old value = 0x%02x"
    $string7 = "Usage: pvpa [<new_value> <old_value>]"
    $string8 = "Invalid PVPA read, magic = 0x%08x, len = %d, cpu = %d"
    uint16(0) == 0xf701 and (all of ($symbol*) or all of ($string*))
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