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2020-06-09CitizenLabAdam Hulcoop, Bahr Abdul Razzak, Bill Marczak, John Scott-Railton, Ron Deibert, Siena Anstis
Dark Basin Uncovering a Massive Hack-For-Hire Operation
Dark Basin
2020-06-09RAND CorporationBilyana Lilly, Joe Cheravitch
The Past, Present, and Future of Russia’s Cyber Strategy and Forces
2020-06-09McAfeeAlexandre Mundo
RagnarLocker Ransomware Threatens to Release Confidential Information
2020-06-09RiskIQJordan Herman
Misconfigured Amazon S3 Buckets Continue to be a Launchpad for Malicious Code
Recent FK_Undead rootkit samples found in the wild
2020-06-09Sentinel LABSJason Reaves
Valak Malware and the Connection to Gozi Loader ConfCrew
2020-06-09MicrosoftRob Mead, Tom McElroy
Web shell threat hunting with Azure Sentinel and Microsoft Threat Protection
2020-06-09MalwarebytesThreat Intelligence Team
Honda and Enel impacted by cyber attack suspected to be ransomware
2020-06-08AkamaiDaniel Goldberg
The Bondnet Army
2020-06-08KELARaveed Laeb
Schrodinger’s Threat – MagBo Adapts Access Control Policies
2020-06-08Medium shantanukhandeShantanu Khandelwal
Red Team: Using SharpChisel to exfil internal network
2020-06-08ESET ResearchAnton Cherepanov, Zuzana Hromcová
InvisiMole: The Hidden Part of the Story - Unearthing InvisiMole's Espionage Toolset and Strategic Cooperations
InvisiMole RC2FM
eCh0raix Ransomware
2020-06-08Check Point ResearchCheck Point Research
GuLoader? No, CloudEyE.
2020-06-08SentinelOnePhil Stokes
A Guide to macOS Threat Hunting and Incident Response
2020-06-08Twitter (@milkr3am)milkream
First public tweet on cyber incident that Honda & Enelint was hit by Snake/Ekans ransomware
2020-06-08Christian Haschek's BlogChristian Haschek
The A1 Telekom Austria Hack
2020-06-08Twitter (@ESETresearch)ESET Research
Tweet on Ginp android banking trojan targeting Government of Spain, Ministry of Health
2020-06-08Stratosphere LabTwitter (@_lubiedo)
Dark Nexus: the old, the new and the ugly
Dark Nexus
2020-06-08IBM SecurityClaire Zaboeva
German Task Force for COVID-19 Medical Equipment Targeted in Ongoing Phishing Campaign