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2025-01-30Bleeping ComputerLawrence Abrams
Backdoor found in two healthcare patient monitors, linked to IP in China
2024-09-20CISO SeriesSteve Prentice
Cybersecurity News: INC targets healthcare, Providence schools cyberattack, Apple iPads bricked
INC Storm-0494
2024-07-30SpamhausSpamhaus Team
Too big to care? - Our disappointment with Cloudflare’s anti-abuse posture
Cybercrime's Anatomy Threats to the Healthcare World
2023-08-18TEAMT5Still Hsu, Zih-Cing Liao
Unmasking CamoFei: An In-depth Analysis of an Emerging APT Group Focused on Healthcare Sectors in East Asia
CatB Cobalt Strike DoorMe GIMMICK
2023-08-09BleepingComputerBill Toulas
Rhysida ransomware behind recent attacks on healthcare
2023-08-09Trend MicroTrend Micro Research
An Overview of the New Rhysida Ransomware Targeting the Healthcare Sector
2023-07-26TalosNicole Hoffman
Incident Response trends Q2 2023: Data theft extortion rises, while healthcare is still most-targeted vertical
BianLian Clop LockBit Royal Ransom LockBit 8Base BianLian Clop LockBit Money Message Royal Ransom
2023-03-17MicrosoftAzure Network Security Team
KillNet and affiliate hacktivist groups targeting healthcare with DDoS attacks
2023-03-14Cisco TalosAsheer Malhotra, Vitor Ventura
Talos uncovers espionage campaigns targeting CIS countries, embassies and EU health care agency
Poet RAT Loda Kasablanka YoroTrooper
2023-01-09TrendmicroFe Cureg, Hitomi Kimura, Ryan Maglaque, Trent Bessell
Gootkit Loader Actively Targets Australian Healthcare Industry
GootLoader GootKit
2022-12-08FortinetFred Gutierrez, Shunichi Imano
Ransomware Roundup – New Vohuk, ScareCrow, and AERST Variants
AESRT ScareCrow Vohuk
2022-09-22Sentinel LABSTom Hegel
Void Balaur | The Sprawling Infrastructure of a Careless Mercenary
Void Balaur
2022-08-17MandiantMandiant Israel Research Team
Suspected Iranian Actor Targeting Israeli Shipping, Healthcare, Government and Energy Sectors
Tecniche per semplificare l’analisi del malware GuLoader
2022-07-06CISACISA, Department of the Treasury (Treasury), FBI
Alert (AA22-187A): North Korean State-Sponsored Cyber Actors Use Maui Ransomware to Target the Healthcare and Public Health Sector
Maui Ransomware
2022-07-06CISACISA, Department of the Treasury (Treasury), FBI
CSA AA22-187A: North Korean State-Sponsored Cyber Actors Use Maui Ransomware to Target the Healthcare and Public Health Sector (PDF)
Maui Ransomware
2022-03-30The RecordJonathan Greig
Hive ransomware shuts down California health care organization
Hive Hive
2022-02-28SophosSean Gallagher
Conti and Karma actors attack healthcare provider at same time through ProxyShell exploits
Conti Karma
2021-10-07MandiantAdam Brunner, Genevieve Stark, Jennifer Brooks, Jeremy Kennelly, Joshua Shilko, Kimberly Goody, Zach Riddle
FIN12: The Prolific Ransomware Intrusion Threat Actor That Has Aggressively Pursued Healthcare Targets
BazarBackdoor GRIMAGENT Ryuk