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2022-11-02BlackberryBlackberry Research
RomCom Threat Actor Abuses KeePass and SolarWinds to Target Ukraine and Potentially the United Kingdom
2021-11-08nccgroupFox IT
TA505 exploits SolarWinds Serv-U vulnerability (CVE-2021-35211) for initial access
2021-11-08NCC GroupRIFT: Research and Intelligence Fusion Team
TA505 exploits SolarWinds Serv-U vulnerability (CVE-2021-35211) for initial access
2021-10-22Medium JangJang
50 Shades of SolarWinds Orion Deserialization (Part 1: CVE-2021–35215)
2021-10-21CrowdStrikeAlex Clinton, Tasha Robinson
Stopping GRACEFUL SPIDER: Falcon Complete’s Fast Response to Recent SolarWinds Serv-U Exploit Campaign
Cobalt Strike FlawedGrace TinyMet
2021-09-29Kaspersky LabsIvan Kwiatkowski, Pierre Delcher
DarkHalo after SolarWinds: the Tomiris connection (UNC2849)
tomiris Storm-0473
2021-09-02MicrosoftMicrosoft Offensive Research & Security Engineering team
A deep-dive into the SolarWinds Serv-U SSH vulnerability (DEV-0322)
2021-09-02Bleeping ComputerSergiu Gatlan
Autodesk reveals it was targeted by Russian SolarWinds hackers
2021-07-30Bleeping ComputerSergiu Gatlan
DOJ: SolarWinds hackers breached emails from 27 US Attorneys’ offices
2021-07-13YouTube ( Matt Soseman)Matt Soseman
Solarwinds and SUNBURST attacks compromised my lab!
Cobalt Strike Raindrop SUNBURST TEARDROP
2021-07-13MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC)
Microsoft discovers threat actor (DEV-0322) targeting SolarWinds Serv-U software with 0-day exploit
2021-07-12Bleeping ComputerSergiu Gatlan
SolarWinds patches critical Serv-U vulnerability (CVE-2021-35211) exploited in the wild
2021-06-01SANSJake Williams, Kevin Haley
A Contrarian View on SolarWinds
Cobalt Strike Raindrop SUNBURST TEARDROP
2021-05-19The RecordAdam Janofsky
SolarWinds CEO apologizes for blaming an intern, says attack may have started in January 2019
Analysis Report (AR21-134A): Eviction Guidance for Networks Affected by the SolarWinds and Active Directory/M365 Compromise
2021-05-08The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
SolarWinds says fewer than 100 customers were impacted by supply chain attack
An Investigative Update of the Cyberattack
SolarWinds: Advancing the Story
2021-04-16nprDina Temple-Raston
A 'Worst Nightmare' Cyberattack: The Untold Story Of The SolarWinds Hack
2021-04-15European CouncilCouncil of the European Union
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union expressing solidarity with the United States on the impact of the SolarWinds cyber operation