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2023-01-25N.F.Laboratories Inc.Daisuke Saika, Hiroki Kubokawa, Ryo Minakawa
Fighting to LODEINFO Investigation for Continuous Cyberespionage Based on Open Source
The Rise of Amadey Bot: A Growing Concern for Internet Security
2023-01-25Quadrant Information SecurityQuadrant Information Security
Technical Analysis: Black Basta Malware Overview
Black Basta Black Basta
2023-01-25ProofpointGreg Lesnewich, Proofpoint Threat Research Team
TA444: The APT Startup Aimed at Acquisition (of Your Funds)
CageyChameleon Lazarus Group TA444
2023-01-24ACSCAustralian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC)
2023-01: ACSC Ransomware Profile - Royal
Royal Ransom
2023-01-24SentinelOneAleksandar Milenkoski
DragonSpark | Attacks Evade Detection with SparkRAT and Golang Source Code Interpretation
SparkRAT DragonSpark
2023-01-24TrellixDaksh Kapur, John Fokker, Robert Venal, Tomer Shloman
Cyberattacks Targeting Ukraine Increase 20-fold at End of 2022 Fueled by Russia-linked Gamaredon Activity
Andromeda Formbook Houdini Remcos
2023-01-24FortinetGeri Revay
The Year of the Wiper
Azov Wiper Bruh Wiper CaddyWiper Cobalt Strike Vidar
2023-01-24eSentireJoe Stewart, Keegan Keplinger
Unmasking Venom Spider
More_eggs TerraPreter TerraLoader VenomLNK
2023-01-24DailySecUGil Min-kwon
[Urgent] A Chinese hacker organization that declared hacking war on Korea..."KISA will hack" notice
2023-01-23zero day initiativeSimon Zuckerbraun
Activation Context Cache Poisoning: Exploiting CSRSS for Privilege Escalation
Denim Tsunami
2023-01-23Medium System WeaknessLena (LambdaMamba)
A "strange font" Smishing Campaign that changes behaviour based on User-Agent, and abuses Duck DNS
Roaming Mantis
2023-01-23KrollElio Biasiotto, Stephen Green
Black Basta – Technical Analysis
Black Basta Cobalt Strike MimiKatz QakBot SystemBC
2023-01-23UptycsKarthickkumar Kathiresan, Shilpesh Trivedi
The Titan Stealer: Notorious Telegram Malware Campaign - Uptycs
2023-01-23FBIFBI National Press Office
FBI Confirms Lazarus Group Cyber Actors Responsible for Harmony's Horizon Bridge Currency Theft
2023-01-22LookoutAlemdar Islamoglu, Justin Albrecht, Kristina Balaam, Ruohan Xiong
BadBazaar: iOS and Android Surveillanceware by China’s APT15 Used to Target Tibetans and Uyghurs
2023-01-20The RecordJonathan Greig
Samsung investigating claims of hack on South Korea systems, internal employee platform
2023-01-20BlackberryBlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team
Emotet Returns With New Methods of Evasion
Emotet IcedID
Malware development: persistence - part 21. Recycle Bin, My Documents COM extension handler. Simple C++ example.
2023-01-20The Hacker NewsRavie Lakshmanan
Chinese Hackers Exploited Recent Fortinet Flaw as 0-Day to Drop Malware