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2022-09-20vmwareDana Behling
Threat Research: New Method of Volume Shadow Backup Deletion Seen in Recent Ransomware
2022-09-20Recorded FutureInsikt Group®
Threat Actors Continue to Abuse Google Tag Manager for Payment Card e-Skimming
2022-09-19CyberScoopAJ Vicens
Hacking group focused on Central America dumps 10 terabytes of military emails, files
2022-09-19FortinetXiaopeng Zhang
Excel Document Delivers Multiple Malware By Exploiting CVE-2017-11882 – Part I
Formbook RedLine Stealer
2022-09-19Virus BulletinTakahiro Haruyama
Tracking the entire iceberg - long-term APT malware C2 protocol emulation and scanning
ShadowPad Winnti
2022-09-19Recorded FutureInsikt Group®
Russia-Nexus UAC-0113 Emulating Telecommunication Providers in Ukraine
Ave Maria Colibri Loader DCRat
2022-09-19vmwareAbe Schneider, Bethany Hardin, Lavine Oluoch
The Evolution of the Chromeloader Malware
2022-09-18K7 SecurityRahul R
Raccoon back with new claws!
2022-09-17Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Threat Intelligence
Tweet on click fraud activity DEV-0796
Phlox Tempest
2022-09-16CloudsekAnandeshwar Unnikrishnan
Recordbreaker: The Resurgence of Raccoon
Raccoon RecordBreaker
2022-09-16Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Andrew Guan, Jin Chen, Lei Xu, Yu Fu, Zhibin Zhang
Zero-Day Exploit Detection Using Machine Learning
Deception in Depth - Building Deceptions from Breaches
2022-09-16Group-IBTwitter (@GroupIB_GIB)
Tweet on Uber Employees potentially infected with Raccoon and Vidar stealer
Raccoon Vidar
2022-09-16Bleeping ComputerLawrence Abrams
Uber hacked, internal systems breached and vulnerability reports stolen
Unflattening ConfuserEx .NET Code in IDA
Ginzo Stealer
2022-09-16muha2xmadMuhammad Hasan Ali
Tweets about Hydra android malware
2022-09-15IT Security GuruGuru Writer
Documents For Sale on the Dark Web
2022-09-15DuskRiseCluster25 Threat Intel Team
Erbium InfoStealer Enters the Scene: Characteristics and Origins
Erbium Stealer
2022-09-15SentinelOneJim Walter
From the Front Lines | Slam! Anatomy of a Publicly-Available Ransomware Builder
2022-09-15SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Webworm: Espionage Attackers Testing and Using Older Modified RATs
9002 RAT Ghost RAT Trochilus RAT