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2021-06-04K7 SecurityMary Muthu Francisca
Glupteba back on track spreading via EternalBlue exploits
2021-06-04Security Service of UkraineSecurity Service of Ukraine
The SBU blocked a mass cyberattack by Russian special services on the computer networks of the Ukrainian authorities
2021-06-04InkyRoger Kay
Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Hack Unleashes Flood of Related Phishing Attempts
Cobalt Strike
2021-06-04Bleeping ComputerSergiu Gatlan
FreakOut malware worms its way into vulnerable VMware servers
2021-06-04The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
US arrests Latvian woman who worked on Trickbot malware source code
2021-06-04Department of JusticeOffice of Public Affairs
Latvian National Charged for Alleged Role in Transnational Cybercrime Organization
2021-06-04FortinetXiaopeng Zhang
Phishing Malware Hijacks Bitcoin Addresses and Delivers New Agent Tesla Variant
Agent Tesla
2021-06-04JPCERT/CCKota Kino
PHP Malware Used in Lucky Visitor Scam
2021-06-04Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Nathaniel Quist
TeamTNT Actively Enumerating Cloud Environments to Infiltrate Organizations
2021-06-04The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
EpsilonRed ransomware group hits one of India’s financial software powerhouses
Epsilon Red
2021-06-03YouTube (0xca7)0xca7
FatalRAT: Dumping the "payload" aka. Cat vs RAT
2021-06-03Twitter (@alberto__segura)Alberto Segura
Tweet on decrypting FluBot strings
2021-06-03SecureworksCounter Threat Unit ResearchTeam, Secureworks Adversary Group
OAuth’s Device Code Flow Abused in Phishing Attacks
2021-06-03Twitter (@James_inthe_box)James_inthe_box
Tweet on AskarLoader malware
2021-06-03Group-IBNikita Rostovtsev
FontPack: A dangerous update Attribution secrets: Who is behind stealing credentials and bank card data by asking to install fake Flash Player, browser or font updates?
2021-06-03YouTube (FIRST)Felipe Domingues, Gustavo Palazolo
Breaking Dridex Malware
2021-06-03The DFIR ReportThe DFIR Report
WebLogic RCE Leads to XMRig
2021-06-03ESET Researchroman kovac
ESET Threat Report T 1 2021
Kobalos Janeleiro Vadokrist
2021-06-03TalosCaitlin Huey, Kendall McKay, Vanja Svajcer
Necro Python bot adds new exploits and Tezos mining to its bag of tricks
2021-06-03Medium s2wlabDenise Dasom Kim, Hyunmin Suh, Jungyeon Lim, YH Jeong
W1 Jun | EN | Story of the week: Ransomware on the Darkweb
DarkSide Babuk DarkSide