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2021-07-27Youtube (SANS Institute)John Hammond, Katie Nickels
SANS Threat Analysis Rundown - Kaseya VSA attack
2021-07-27ElasticElastic Security Intelligence & Analytics Team
Collecting and operationalizing threat data from the Mozi botnet
2021-07-27360 Threat Intelligence CenterAdvanced Threat Institute
Summary of Kimsuky's secret stealing activities in the first half of 2021
2021-07-26The WireKabir Agarwal, Sangeeta Barooah Pisharoty
From Army and BSF to RAW, Spyware Threat Touched National Security Field Too
2021-07-22MicrosoftMicrosoft 365 Defender Threat Intelligence Team
When coin miners evolve, Part 1: Exposing LemonDuck and LemonCat, modern mining malware infrastructure
Lemon Duck
2021-07-21splunkSplunk Threat Research Team
Detecting Trickbot with Splunk
2021-07-20Advanced threat research team
Lazarus organizes social engineering attacks on the cryptocurrency industry
2021-07-20SecureworksCounter Threat Unit ResearchTeam
Ongoing Campaign Leveraging Exchange Vulnerability Potentially Linked to Iran
2021-07-20MicrosoftMicrosoft Corporate Blogs
The growing threat of ransomware
2021-07-19ProofpointJoe Wise, Konstantin Klinger, Proofpoint Threat Research Team, Selena Larson
New Threat Actor Uses Spanish Language Lures to Distribute Seldom Observed Bandook Malware
Bandook Caliente Bandits
2021-07-16PRODAFT Threat IntelligencePRODAFT
Toddler - Mobile Banking Botnet Analysis Report
2021-07-16Twitter (@MBThreatIntel)Malwarebytes Threat Intelligence
Tweet on Magecart skimmer using steganography
2021-07-16360 Threat Intelligence CenterAdvanced Threat Institute
APT-C-61 attacks against South Asia
2021-07-15MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Intelligence
Protecting customers from a private-sector offensive actor using 0-day exploits and DevilsTongue malware
Caramel Tsunami
2021-07-15Twitter (@AffableKraut)Eric Brandel
Tweet on another digital skimmer/magecart script from the "q-logger" threat actor
2021-07-15MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC)
Protecting customers from a private-sector offensive actor using 0-day exploits and DevilsTongue malware
2021-07-15ISATom Winston
What is Cyber Threat Intelligence?
2021-07-14GoogleClement Lecigne, Google Threat Analysis Group, Maddie Stone
How We Protect Users From 0-Day Attacks (CVE-2021-21166, CVE-2021-30551, CVE-2021-33742, CVE-2021-1879)
Cobalt Strike
2021-07-14Cerium NetworksBlumira
Threat of the Month: IcedID Malware
How We Tracked a Threat Group Running an Active Cryptojacking Campaign