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2017-09-01Security AffairsPierluigi Paganini
Vxer is offering Cobian RAT in the underground, but it is backdoored
Cobian RAT
2017-09-01Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Brad Duncan
EITest: HoeflerText Popups Targeting Google Chrome Users Now Push RAT Malware
NetSupportManager RAT
2017-08-31ZscalerAbhay Yadav, Atinderpal Singh, Deepen Desai
Cobian RAT - A backdoored RAT
Cobian RAT
2017-08-31NCC GroupAhmed Zaki
Analysing a recent Poison Ivy sample
Poison Ivy
2017-08-31LookoutMichael Flossman
Lookout discovers sophisticated xRAT malware tied to 2014 “Xsser / mRAT” surveillance campaign against Hong Kong protesters
2017-08-31Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Alex Hinchliffe, Jen Miller-Osborn
Updated KHRAT Malware Used in Cambodia Attacks
2017-08-30Kaspersky LabsGReAT
Introducing WhiteBear
Gazer Turla White Bear
2017-08-30ESET ResearchGraham Cluley
New ESET research uncovers Gazer, the stealthy backdoor that spies on embassies
2017-08-29InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogRenato Marinho
Second Google Chrome Extension Banker Malware in Two Weeks
2017-08-29Benkow LabBenoît Ancel
From Onliner Spambot to millions of email's lists and credentials
2017-08-29Kaspersky LabsSergey Yunakovsky
Jimmy Nukebot: from Neutrino with love
2017-08-29MalwarebytesMalwarebytes Labs
Inside the Kronos malware – part 2
2017-08-28Bleeping ComputerLawrence Abrams
New Nuclear BTCWare Ransomware Released (Updated)
2017-08-28ClearSkyClearSky Research Team
Recent ISMAgent Samples and Infrastructure by Iranian Threat Group GreenBug
2017-08-28Brian Krebs
Tech Firms Team Up to Take Down ‘WireX’ Android DDoS Botnet
2017-08-26Bleeping ComputerCatalin Cimpanu
US Arrests Chinese Man Involved With Sakula Malware Used in OPM and Anthem Hacks
2017-08-25Kaspersky LabsCostin Raiu, Juan Andrés Guerrero-Saade
Walking in your Enemy's Shadow: When Fourth-Party Collection becomes Attribution Hell
NetTraveler RCS WannaCryptor Dancing Salome
2017-08-25Github (re4lity)re4lity
The WireX Botnet: How Industry Collaboration Disrupted a DDoS Attack
2017-08-25ProofpointDarien Huss, Matthew Mesa
Operation RAT Cook: Chinese APT actors use fake Game of Thrones leaks as lures
9002 RAT