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2016-09-23Laanwj's Blog@orionwl
SECONDDATE in action
Equationgroup (Sorting)
2016-09-22ESET ResearchAnton Cherepanov
Book of Eli: African targeted attacks
Book of Eli
2016-09-22ForcepointNicholas Griffin
Zeus Delivered by DELoader to Defraud Customers of Canadian Banks
2016-09-21Brian Krebs
KrebsOnSecurity Hit With Record DDoS
2016-09-21RedNaga Security
Reversing GO binaries like a pro
2016-09-20AvastThreat Intelligence Team
Inside Petya and Mischa ransomware
2016-09-20Deutsche Welleipj, kl
Hackers lurking, parliamentarians told
2016-09-20Deutsche WelleDeutsche Welle
Hackers lurking, parliamentarians told
2016-09-20SecurityIntelligenceDenis Laskov, Hanan Natan, Limor Kessem
Meanwhile in Britain, Qadars v3 Hardens Evasion, Targets 18 UK Banks
2016-09-19Trend MicroNumaan Huq
Untangling the Ripper ATM Malware
Ripper ATM
A few notes on SECONDDATE's C&C protocol
Equationgroup (Sorting)
2016-09-16CERT.PLAdam Krasuski
Tofsee – modular spambot
2016-09-16ZscalerAtinderpal Singh
iSpy Keylogger
iSpy Keylogger
2016-09-15Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Kaoru Hayashi
MILE TEA: Cyber Espionage Campaign Targets Asia Pacific Businesses and Government Agencies
Elirks Logedrut Micrass
The evolution of the Nymaim Criminal Enterprise Threat Intelligence & Analytics
2016-09-14Trend MicroStephen Hilt, William Gamazo Sanchez
BkSoD by Ransomware: HDDCryptor Uses Commercial Tools to Encrypt Network Shares and Lock HDDs
2016-09-13CiscoJosh Reynolds
H1N1: Technical analysis reveals new capabilities
H1N1 Loader
The curious case of BLATSTING's RSA implementation
Equationgroup (Sorting)
2016-09-13Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Claud Xiao
DualToy: New Windows Trojan Sideloads Risky Apps to Android and iOS Devices
2016-09-13Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Claud Xiao
DualToy: New Windows Trojan Sideloads Risky Apps to Android and iOS Devices
DualToy DualToy