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2020-10-08BromiumAlex Holland
Droppers, Downloaders and TrickBot: Detecting a Stealthy COVID-19-themed Campaign using Toolmarks
2020-09-25Emanuele De Lucia
APT vs Internet Service Providers
TwoFace RGDoor
2020-09-25360 Total Securitykate
APT-C-43 steals Venezuelan military secrets to provide intelligence support for the reactionaries - HpReact campaign
PyArk El Machete
2020-09-24FacebookNathaniel Gleicher
Removing Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior
2020-09-23Bleeping ComputerLawrence Abrams
Government software provider Tyler Technologies hit by ransomware
2020-09-22FacebookNathaniel Gleicher
Removing Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior
2020-09-18Medium cryptaxAxelle Apvrille
Locating the Trojan inside an infected COVID-19 contact tracing app
2020-09-02Cisco TalosEdmund Brumaghin, Holger Unterbrink
Salfram: Robbing the place without removing your name tag
Ave Maria ISFB SmokeLoader Zloader
Chinese APT TA413 Resumes Targeting of Tibet Following COVID-19 Themed Economic Espionage Campaign Delivering Sepulcher Malware Targeting Europe
Sepulcher Lucky Cat
2020-08-18CUJOAI0xffff0800, Albert Zsigovits, Alexey Vishnyakov
UPX Anti-Unpacking Techniques in IoT Malware
2020-07-21Department of JusticeDepartment of Justice
Two Chinese Hackers Working with the Ministry of State Security Charged with Global Computer Intrusion Campaign Targeting Intellectual Property and Confidential Business Information, Including COVID-19 Research
2020-07-16NCSC UKNCSC UK
Advisory: APT29 targets COVID-19 vaccine development
WellMail elf.wellmess SoreFang WellMess
2020-07-16PWC UKPWC UK
How WellMess malware has been used to target Covid-19 vaccines
elf.wellmess WellMess
2020-07-16F-SecureAdam Pilkey
US, UK, and Canada’s COVID-19 research targeted by APT29
2020-07-07MicrosoftTom Burt
Microsoft takes legal action against COVID-19-related cybercrime
2020-07-06Kaspersky LabsAnton Kivva, Igor Golovin
Pig in a poke: smartphone adware
2020-07-06US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
Notice Of Pleadings: COVID-19 Bonus Phishing
2020-06-30BluelivBlueliv Labs Team
M00nD3v, HawkEye threat actor, sells malware after COVID-19 diagnosis
HawkEye Keylogger
2020-06-24ESET ResearchLukáš Štefanko
New ransomware posing as COVID‑19 tracing app targets Canada; ESET offers decryptor
2020-06-18JuniperPaul Kimayong
COVID-19 and FMLA Campaigns used to install new IcedID banking malware